The Buffer

August 09, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump has been walking around and telling people that he doesn’t need their vote. He has plenty of votes. There are three possibilities of why he is using this gambit and all of them are still on the table. The first is that he is using some kind of Eric Cartman reverse psychology where you will all of the sudden want to vote for him since he told you he doesn’t want your vote.

The second possibility is that he has become so addled brained that there is really no accounting for anything he says at this point. The most likely reason is because MAGA and the Republicans have been playing a long game after 1/6 to actually perform a soft coup that will be much more successful.

Before you call me crazy let me explain how this works. No one is storming the capital or any of the state houses. Instead, they have installed loyalists at the county and state levels that will simply refuse to certify the vote if it goes against them. Heads I win and tails you lose.

Trump is using the same playbook he ran in 2020. Essentially, there is no way the Democrats can beat him. Look at the size of his crowds. Look at how much merch these people buy. Look at all the monster trucks with his face and the MAGA flag on them. So, if the vote turns out differently you know they cheated. I know the polls say they are ahead, but that’s a vast left wing conspiracy from the liberal mainstream media.

That’s why if you look carefully you can see cracks in the veneer. Harris’ crowds are bigger than Donald’s crowds. The enthusiasm gap has been narrowed and Harris is pulling ahead. He knows this and can’t trot out the same lines about nobody coming to Joe’s rallies. Instead he has to pivot to Georgia St. somehow cheating and keeping his people out.

This is an important first step to beating him. Listen, I know this as much as any of you. I’ve listened to family members and friends parrot the big lie even now. There is no way Joe Biden got 81 million votes. It was fake news. It was all made up. So, seeing Harris one or two points ahead in the polls is nice and certainly better than the alternative. Still, it isn’t enough.

As hilarious as this is to say, Trump is playing a longer game. He doesn’t have to convince a majority of voters. He just has to keep it close enough to allow his minions on the ground to contest the results. If enough counties and states throw their results into chaos then he can eek out an electoral college victory and become the first president to serve two terms without ever winning the popular vote.

Obviously finding a way to make one person, one vote the law of the land is the long-term plan. That’s years or even decades away. The plan now is to play for the blowout. A one point victory isn’t going to do it. I might not even feel comfortable with a five point win. So, ignore the polls and put your foot on the gas. We need a buffer to win this thing. We need a blowout so significant that they will be shamed into accepting it. Remember, all MAGA accusations are a confession.