What if…?

July 13, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

I hesitate to write this, but I figure a pseudonym and friendly environment provides the best cover. I also think that when my mind immediately went to this it shows not that I or anyone else that thought this are horrible people but that the state of our politics are this bad. However, the very first thought that came to mind when I heard about the news about the Trump “assassination attempt” was that it was a false flag.

Considering there are two people dead that makes the thought that much more detestable. There are three scenarios running through my head and I’ll let the peanut gallery vote for the most likely. I suppose we should add the possibility that all of this is on the level, but I’ll lay that aside for two important reasons. First, the secret service cleared all of those in attendance. So, they either royally fucked this up or something nefarious is at play. Secondly, this just lines up too perfectly. He is essentially unharmed, he gets to play victim, he gets to be in the news cycle, and they get to pin this on either left wing lawless zealots, people of color, immigrants, or they can go for the exacta. Details to come.

Scenario 1

All of the parties were knowingly involved. That means the purps are actually right wing operatives that knew they would be sacrificed. In this scenario the secret service were not involved in the plot. The planners simply knew that those two gentlemen would be taken out. I’m calling this one the least likely because I don’t see people willingly giving up their life for this ass clown, but I could be wrong there.

Scenario 2

The two men killed were not involved at all. It was a false flag that did not involve them. However, it would involve some in the secret service because it would involve them identifying two specific victims that fit the profile that would serve their narrative best. Admittedly, this is the scariest of the three scenarios because it makes the Secret Service complicit and it also means they specifically targeted two innocent people.

Scenario 3

It was a false flag that the Secret Service and those two were not involved in. The Secret Service honestly thought that they were involved and an active threat, so the Secret Service took them out. Honestly, this one is the most likely to me. Obviously, the identify of the two men shot hasn’t been released as of this writing. If they fit a particular narrative too easily then this scenario becomes less likely.

Okay, you place your vote.