Actual Fake News

June 27, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Holy Crap, Trump

The Washington Post continues its battle against darkness and Trump World.  Today, it revealed that Trump has hung a fake Time magazine cover in at least 5 of his resorts.  This cover was never published by the magazine.

So.  The clown who perpetuated the lie about President Obama’s birthplace for SIX YEARS, and has lied on a daily basis since he started his campaign for the presidency faked a Time Magazine cover to self aggrandize.

What an ass.


As Bad as It Gets

June 22, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Sumbitches


“To find a man’s true character, play golf with him.”

–P.G. Wodehouse, English writer

This saying is more true than almost any other.  A guy who cheats at golf or is an ass on the golf course is and cheater and an ass at life.  I’ve seen it a dozen times.  Well, here’s another example of just what an ass Trump is.  He was recently videoed DRIVING A GOLF CART ON THE GREEN at his club in Bedminster.  If you are a non-golfer, the ONE THING you NEVER do is drive even close to the green, much less on it.  Doing so shows huge disrespect for the course, the game, and your fellow golfers, not to mention the poor greenskeepers who have to repair the damage. It’s a good way to get ejected from a golf course, but I guess not your own.

Here you go, you can watch with own eyes:

Props to News & Guts