Tacky Time

September 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I am on a tacky rampage.

Take a look at the Texas State Representatives and Senators celebrating the tenth anniversary of the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas.



No, seriously, take a real good look.  There’s not a one of them who could get laid at the chicken ranch with a hen under each arm and a fifty dollar bill stapled to their forehead.

But these sumbitches are gonna cost the taxpayers of the state of Texas $740,000 in attorneys fees so they could fight gay marriage.

I think that bill should be immediately turned over to the First Baptist Church of every city in Texas.  From what I can see, they ain’t doin’ much good with their money anyhow.

I hope they choke on their damn cake.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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