Tack This On Your Door for Halloween

May 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know the picture of Michelle Obama holding up the sign that says, “Bring Back Our Girls”?

Ann Coulter just could not let that go.


Screen Shot 2014-05-12 at 9.55.53 AM


Which leads us to wonder what country she’s talking about.  The one where only white men owning property voted?  The one that had slavery?  The one where rich white girls had nice stuff and every other woman suffered?  That country?

So Michelle Obama joins hands with other women to end the kidnapping of young girls and Ann Coulter’s response is, “Look at me.  Look at me.  LOOK at me.”

Thanks to Elizabeth for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Tack This On Your Door for Halloween”

  1. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Doesn’t she know a good face replacement person, or at least one to implant a smile?

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Said it brfore and it is even more true today,Coulter is uglier than nine miles of rough road.Inside and out. She makes “butt ugly” palatable.

  3. We enjoy handing out treats to the neighborhood youngsters. That face would scare them away from a distance of 3 blocks. Ghosts and goblins are fun decorations. Coulter is too scary to be a witch.

  4. what a poor excuse for a human
    as always, it’s ALL about publicity for Ann,
    another pathetic lost soul

  5. donquijoterocket says:

    There’s a saying, they’ve probably got it in Texas too about a dog and shaving and the dog walking backwards.I tend to think of it whenever I see this twit.

  6. maryelle says:

    Another arrogant swaggering rwnj personality. Brings to mind the phrase, “Pride goeth before a fall.”
    Let’s hope it’s a big bad fall.

  7. Mick Cooper says:

    She isn’t the best looking on the outside, but, on the inside she must be a deep, dark, dank, cesspool.

  8. Fred Farklestone says:

    Where does Ann vote?

    Google the following:
    Ann Coulter, vote fraud

  9. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Whoa, JJ! How about a little warning on a Monday morning before I’ve had my 4th cup of coffee?

    That pic just about scared last night’s pasta out of me!

    Good Grief, someone should just paint her green & hire her for the permanent Arctic production of The Wizard of Oz.

  10. The very idea of trivializing his tragedy. It shows clearly that the missing girls are worth nothing to these horrible people because, they’re girls, they’re black, and Obama is (still) black. Disgusting.

  11. Ann Coulter is like the groundhog in early February. When she pops her head out, you know it’s about 6 weeks until her new book is released.

  12. Angelo_Frank says:

    The shrill anorexic twit Coulter is the epitome of one hateful spewer of hyperbole.

  13. I have not visited your site for awhile due to multiple
    crisis happening, but everyone is as witty as ever.

    My thoughts on the Coulter picture are just that someone let the bad witch from the Wizard of Oz escape and there she is!

  14. OldMayfly says:

    Today I read about Michelle Obama speaking at a Mothers’ Day luncheon and praising her own mother, who lives with the Obama family at the WH. I remember when the widowed Mrs. Robinson (I believe her name is) moved in with the Obamas and I thought how helpful that would be to Michelle O.

    At the time, the R-W rage machine–including Ann Coulter– went crazy at Michelle’s mother “free-loading” and “are our taxes paying for that..” etc. This went on about a month and suddenly stopped. I guess there are too many grandmas helping out in the US and those grandmas and families were responding negatively to the “hate Miichelle’s Mama” campaign.

    The RWNJs try everything and then raise the volume on whatever seems to work. They can try everything no matter how low-down because they have no moral compass and no taste.

    Sorry for the extra length of this comment.

  15. m in el paso says:

    Thanks, JJ, for reminding us of “the country” that conservatives mourn for. I’d add “The country in which Beaver’s mom vacuumed in high heels & pearls” — a common TV image that I came of age with, when Rosie the Riveter & her hard-working fellows were instructed to go home & leave the jobs for the returning GIs. My mom worked outside the home for all her adult life. And, unlike my 50’s young adult age mates, I never asked my husband for “permission” to go to work. I just did it. Let’s send Ann Coulter back to that era!

  16. Obviously AC doesn’t have a friend in the world. How could she? In order to have a friend, one must be a friend. Tain’t possible if the first and only criteria is that one must look like her.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Good job,Fred. Coulter is also under investigation for impersonating a warm-blooded human being.

  18. pencilneck says:

    ummm…was the USA abducted and/or held captive in Nigeria?

  19. Ann Coulter is what I call a Triple Threat Conservative: Stupid, Evil, and Crazy. As if that weren’t bad enough, she is also Ugly.

  20. Check out Talking Points Memo, where folks have photo shopped some great comments onto Annie’s sign!

  21. I read a lot of websites daily. She is being laughed at, mocked, humiliated, in all possible ways by Tweetsters and check out HuffPo. Many of my favorite Tweeters played ‘photo shop’ and I just love it. Hateful pathetic hag.

  22. daChipster says:

    There is a huge cottage industry built around white right-wing rage whereby pigeon after pigeon gets plucked by the likes of Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin… ad very nauseous nauseam. Essentially, the scam is this: “give me a dollar, and I’ll validate your deepest, darkest sickest thoughts, by speaking them in a public forum using smart-sounding word salad, heavy on the snark and drenched in logical fallacies.”

    “Give me two dollars, and I’ll send you a newsletter, too. Also, would you like to buy some gold-plated magic survival seeds that double as bullets?”

    Why support education, when it’s so much easier to bilk idiots by telling them they’re not idiots.

    (Try saying “white right-wing rage” three times fast. I think I sprained my lips.)

  23. freeportguy says:

    If it’s from Coulter, you can always bet it’s cheap…

  24. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, dearie, dear Annie. You just make it too, too easy. How long do you think it will take some enterprising person to download that pic, white out what you wrote and replace it with something like “I R an ijot?” (He says after downloading pic. Wink.)

  25. (Try saying “white right-wing rage” three times fast. I think I sprained my lips.) daChipster, thank you for the warning. I’ll save my lips and offer up a video of a pied Coulter.

    Tweet this, Ann: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPsU-kSBnwI

    Seriously folks, I love pie, but draw the line at taking a crumb off that racist hag’s face. Any psychiatrists in the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. fan base who can explain what made her so wrong and rabid mean?

  26. Mary R. says:

    From what I’ve seen of Miz Coulter, her ONLY response to anything is “Look at me! Look at me! LOOK at me.” She’s got hair-tossing down to a science. Poor, empty, mean-spirited, self-absorbed fool.

  27. Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes clean down to the bone. Mr. Coulter is ugly right down to the marrow.

  28. Wa Skeptic says:

    Maybe she’d like to go back to the days when she would either be able to be a waitress or a nurse, and have a bunch of kids, and be told that she needs to just “keep her man happy” and maybe never have to worry about voting. Ya think??

  29. Ann is a crazy old man!

  30. So she wants to “bring back our country” from the Dem politicians (including the President) who won elections fair and square.

  31. Okie-Dokie says:

    That thing has a pout on its face. (I refuse to consider AC an actual woman).

  32. Bob Evans says:

    Bassett hound UGLY! Sorry, didn’t mean to denigrate Bassett hounds.

  33. gabberflasted says:

    I can say this for annie, she ain’t Peggy Noonan.

  34. someofparts says:

    Well, seems that Twitter fought back against Coultergeist.


  35. I’ve always wondered about AC ‘s adams apple…..
