Swim For Your Lives! Floodgates Opening!

August 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, lookie here.

Jessica Denson is a former Hispanic outreach director for the Trump campaign.  She filed a sexual discrimination lawsuit against them.  To strike fear in the soul of any woman who claims that the Trump campaign did anything wrong, they have sued her for violation of her NDA with anything Trump. The suit is for $1.5 million.

Under her agreement, Denson was not allowed to disparage Trump during her time with the campaign “and at all times thereafter,” and she cannot disclose whatever “Mr. Trump insists remain private or confidential,” as defined by him.

All times thereafter?

I can understand why Trump has these NDAs.  The only person he has ever come close to establishing a long term relationship with is Roger Stone.  Everybody he meets eventually becomes his enemy.  Face it, he can’t even trust his kids not to turn on him and that’s why he’s never given up control of his businesses.

Denson is fighting back and has already cost close to a million dollars for Trump’s lawyers to keep Trump’s hand over Denson’s mouth.

Denson’s attorney, David Bowles, said that he and his legal colleagues hope to win the case before Election Day, enabling hundreds of people who may have signed similar agreements to have the contracts voided and emboldening them to speak out about Trump.

“You can’t stop people from criticizing political candidates,” Bowles said. “It is the heart of the Constitution and free speech.”

No shoot, Sherlock.

Let’s see — who would I like to see start yakking first?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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