Sweetie, Pat Downs are as Close to Physical Intimacy That You’re Gonna Get

April 13, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

East Texas Republican State Rep (you know already that this is going to be good, right?) David Simpson does not want people touching him anywhere near his winkie, dammit.  He’s working on a perfect record of no winkie touching, dammit.

A contentious proposal to criminalize excessive touching by agents during airport security pat-downs returned Wednesday to the Texas Legislature, along with concerns that the federal government could ground all flights into and out of the state if it ever becomes law.

The poor man has a belly full of bedsprings not over the fact that we are still being searched at airports, but because that search might involve his winkie.  Which is like being nakkid.  Almost.

Simpson said his bill was more necessary than ever because traditional metal detectors at airports have increasingly been replaced by full-body scanners that “basically allow people to be viewed naked.” He said he and others who object to that now often have no choice but to endure pat-downs.

The poor boy has never had a mammogram, huh?   With a mammogram you get both.

Simpson says he knows that current Texas law does not allow groping or inappropriate touching by airport security screeners but he wants to talk about his winkie some more and this bill is a way he can do it.

He even gets to look at dirty pictures if he introduces this bill and, boy howdy!, he gets to share them with his fellow Republicans. He’s got a “packet” of pictures with airport security screeners doing things that he thinks are dirty.

Rep. Harvey Hilderbran, a Kerrville Republican, said of the security officials in the pictures Simpson provided, “some of them seem to be enjoying the groping.”

Yeah, the Texas House Republican Dirty Happenin’s Committee had to look at those pictures more than a dozen times to get the full impact before they went on to looking at the bras in the Sears catalog.

They got themselves worked into a lather and got to bill writin’ faster than a hiccup so they can share these pictures with their brethren on the House Committee on Have You Seen This?, Indignity Subcommittee.

Before you know it all that thinking about winkie patting and hooter rubbing just sucked the air plum out of the legislature and all that was left standing was State Representative David Simpson holding his winkie.  I do not know if this is a true story but it makes good tellin’.

By the way, in case you were wondering about this, he’s not only an East Texan, he’s a Baptist so he likes to talk about depravity a whole lot.

Thanks to UmptyDump for the heads up.

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