Sweet Reminder About Fun With Guns

November 26, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

At one point this year, I pretty much quit doing Fun With Guns because nobody was following the rules.

So, here’s my yearly rules rant.

To be Fun with Guns, nobody dies unless it’s the person acting stoopid with a gun. If you accidentally shoot yourself dead, you need to be remembered forever as the idiot who shot themselves.

The guy who shot the woman in the head because he thought she was a deer is not Fun with Guns.  That is Scream about Guns, which is a column I don’t do because it just upsets me too damn much and Lord knows I’m upset enough for a whole herd of people.

I love for people to send me tips.  I get bunches every day and appreciate every one of them.  I may write about it that day, two weeks later, or never.  I may answer it.  I may not. Even if I don’t answer it doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it. It just means I may have a forest fire to put out that day or my head is not screwed in that direction at that moment.  You never know.

Okay, here’s the deal – to be Fun with Guns, it has to be kinda funny.

I hope your Thanksgiving was as good as mine, but I doubt it was.


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0 Comments to “Sweet Reminder About Fun With Guns”

  1. Amen, JJ. Being shot while out walking your dogs is not a laughing matter. About 10 years ago we quit going for walks down our road out in the country because our neighbor would be doing target practice and we had no idea which direction he was pointing his gun. We felt like ducks in a shooting gallery.

    Then, we moved to a different place in the country and the nut down that road–who fired off his semi-automatic weapon every weekend–ended up killing his wife, her dog, and finally himself. What a world.

  2. The republican gun enablers in congress need to feel what their victims feel. Perhaps if a semi automatic weapon was fired at them and their families they would take action. Or enough would be killed, permanently crippled, seriously injured to require years of treatment to end their treasonous abuse of power. The NRA donates to every republican senator’s campaign. And the gop is too cowardly and way too greedy to tell them no more.

  3. Tilphousia, if Steve Scalise is any example, even direct pain does not affect those drinking from the NRA troth of trinkets. The source(s) of funding must be cut off before they will return to reason. Convoluted as it may be, campaign finance reform must happen before we’ll ever seen sane gun safety reform.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    My humblest apologies for mentioning the PA shooting, although the piece said the woman was shot in the hip and the bullet went out her back.

    I am quite certain the NRA will defend this doofus with all their might because Obama is still trying to take their guns away.

  5. WA Skeptic says:

    I rapidly left “gun funny” when I was a small child and watched my insane father threaten my mother with a Ruger.

    Still not finding the NRA and the Ammosexuals funny after all these years.

  6. It will have to be a good fun with guns to top the story about 15 years back. A guy woke up in the night to see a man standing in the doorway to the bedroom. He got his gun and shot at the man. Twas his very own erected winkie.

  7. According to opensecrets.org, the NRA is spending about $4 million this year on lobbying – a new record.

    That’s not really very much money, y’all. I think we need to find our own counter organizations and start funding them at a level where they’ll be effective. Every poll I’ve seen shows at least 70% of Americans want stricter gun legislation. This bullcrap tyranny and terrorism by the minority has got to stop

    Who’s got suggestions for groups to support?

  8. I think Lunargent has the right idea. What groups are out there that are already working on this and can be effective against the nra? What groups will do what needs to be done and not be compromised or intimidated?
    Enough was a long, long time ago.

  9. e platypus onion says:


    There are sure to be more.
