Sweet Nothin’s at the NRA
Ya know, we ought to feel a little shame about gloating over the imminent demise of the NRA. Everyone should be extending their thoughts and prayers to Wayne LaPierre because he is apparently suffering from a serious medical condition.
This news was buried in the middle of the New York Attorney General’s complaint:
320. LaPierre also used the pass-through arrangement to conceal private travel and trips that were largely personal in nature. Upon information and belief, LaPierre directed Ackerman to pay for expenses related to NASCAR events, country music events, and even medical visits, and bill those through to the NRA. For example, in 2018, LaPierre asked the president of Mercury Group [Tony Makris] to accompany him on a visit to a medical clinic. In connection with this visit, the president of Mercury Group and LaPierre flew on a private charter and stayed at the Four Seasons for several days. The cost of this hotel for both the president of Mercury Group and LaPierre was paid for by Ackerman, but ultimately borne by the NRA. The lodging alone cost the NRA $9,550. The NRA also directly paid for the private travel associated with this visit to the medical clinic.
The name of the medical clinic wasn’t included in the complaint, but one can only surmise that LaPierre and Makris went to the California Health & Longevity Institute diagnostic clinic in Westlake Village, California and stayed at the nearby Four Season.
Seems like the kind of place you would go with your wife or girlfriend, but then LaPierre and Makris have a long-term personal relationship. And there’s more abut their relationship here.
I’m sure that Mr. Makris was a source of great comfort to Mr. LaPierre in his time of need even though they have since had a spat.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.