Sweet. He Said “Cool Stuff”

October 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump is having way too much fun poking at Jeb! Bush. There needs to be a legal limit to the amount of times you can kick sand in a guy’s face.

Trump threw a little spoiled rich boy punch —

“So Bush has no money, he’s cutting, he’s meeting today with mommy and daddy.”

It’s true.  That did happen.  In all fairness, his brother was also there, which in my mind is even more emasculating.

So Bush picked himself up off the playground, wiped blood from his nose, and stuck out his lower lip.

Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 10.23.58 AMI’ve got a lot of really cool things I could do other than sit around, being miserable, listening to people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. That is a joke. Elect Trump if you want that.” — at a town hall in Charleston, SC

Hey Jeb!, you have no cool stuff to do. Your brother already did it all. Unless you’re planning on starting a war with Canada or Australia, there’s no cool stuff left to do.

Jeb!, Honey, your net worth is $27 million. Asking your campaign workers to take a 40% cut in pay looks a little … well, Republican.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sweet. He Said “Cool Stuff””

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Pleading “sour grapes” is an admission of defeat. He may as well quit now, it’s over.

  2. 1.smart.canerican says:

    I must say that he has very thin skin for someone who wants to lead America. Fails to present a positive and strong image for sure. He should just drop out of this race and go away and do “cool stuff”, whatever that is. I don’t see anyone in the GOP stable who has the “right stuff” to be President. Maybe someone else will decide to run, but I can’t see anyone in their team who can effectively lead. I can only hope this mess leads the voters to elect only Democratic candidates, from the president on down the line. It is going to be a long long year for sure!

  3. That Other Jean says:

    And the thinning of the herd continues, until only the biggest a**hole survives. It’s said that we get the government we deserve. What have we done to deserve this? Whatever it was, can we stop now?

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Jeb(?), remember when you had that coin toss with $RMoney and you won? Well step on up and accept your prize. You’ve won the chance to wipe away the $RMoney 2012 stench and rehabilitate your big brother Dubya’s 8 long year record.

    “my brother kept us safe” – not working, Jeb(?)

    BTW – who told you campaign money and Super Pac money were all one pot. But I guess you know that now.

    As for T-Rump kicking sand in your face, you said it yourself: “stuff happens.”

  5. @That Other Jean, after the election we get what the majority deserves. This includes a majority who don’t bother to get off their ignorant butts and vote at all, and a majority who don’t stop gerrymandering and corruption.

    Well, there are exceptions. In 2000 nine people in long black robes got to vote twice, and a majority of them voted for the one the majority of us didn’t vote for.

    If Jeb! Bush really said that, he sounds like a whiny kid who should pick up his toys and go home and stay there.

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    These guys know exactly what tRump is like; they go to the same parties, sleep with the same women, steal from the same pot of money, and now they’re amazed at the things he does and the way he acts and they don’t like it when he treats THEM the same way. Awww, poor babies.

    Go home, Jebbie, you’re a sissy.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Note to Jeb!: They’re just not into you. Give it up.

  8. Aggieland Liz says:

    Is it just me or is the Republican nomination process looking (and sounding!) more and more like the junior high cheerleader elections we used to have? Sure makes Hil and Bernie (and even poor Mike O’Malley!) look like the adults in the room! Lincoln Chaffee didn’t whine and cry about how everybody was being mean to him when he resigned from the contest. What a bunch of useless spoiled loudmouths the Rethugs are!

  9. Jeb!’s entitlement is showing. Clearly he felt that the nomination belongs to him and he is offended that anyone might feel otherwise.

    Jeb! should take note that American voters–and especially Republican voters–will pick a bully over a wimp any time.

  10. John Ellis Bush’s new nickname is “Toast”

  11. Jeb!?’s kindergarten conduct report card: Does not play well with others.

  12. The Chronicle this morning had an article about old George H. W. Bush, and how he is obsessively following the election (on Fox News, of course). He is dumbfounded at the goings-on with the interlopers, mainly Trump, and upset that his Jebbie isn’t getting the respect he deserves due to his name and bankroll. I took all that to mean that he’s shocked that they aren’t able to buy this election like they did the others. Call the Waaaahmbulance.

  13. No wonder Repugs think Bill Clinton persuaded Trump to run.
    He is decimating the republican morons who think they are fit to be Prez. Allows the Deems to show they are so much more qualified.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, it was another miscue by the ever clever Reince Priebus, who thought to control the T-Rump by the old “hold your enemies closer” adage. Reince just couldn’t let be and have T-Rump run as an Independent. Nope. He insisted Donald sign on the dotted line as a Republican.

    Reince would have done better to let T-Rump go and take all the Tea Bagger racist, misogynist, homophobe, nativist, forced birther talibangelicals with him. Now the Republican establishment is a small minority in the middle being torn two ways by the John Birch Society Koch crowd and the crazy crowd.

  15. I’m with Ralph Wiggam. Stick a fork in Jeb? he’s done.

  16. oh, i am so heartbroken for him . . . NOT!

  17. Wonder who will be the last man standing…or woman…right Carly?

  18. NicaBrian says:

    The last paragraph is perfect, reminds me of many of the do-gooder NGOs here in Nicaragua. Everything including their housing they’ve lived in for years, vacations, clothes and drinking money are paid for by the donations given for children, seniors and health care. And always praying (begging) for more. Use their own money? Hey, that’s THEIR money! Dang kids don’t deserve that!

    Jeb’s taking the noblesse oblige thing a little too far, next he’ll threaten not to run unless Trump gets sent home for a week. And to think only a few months ago some thought Jeb had bribed Trump to clear the path for him.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    AKLynne, Carly has repeated her promise to not “run as a woman.” I eagerly await her declaration as to exactly which shape shifting form she will take at the next Republicon debate.

    NicaBrian, spot on about so many of the NGOs! All the $millions donated for Haitian relief, yet there have been few homes built, no mention of the needed schools and hospitals. And the $billions poured into Afghanistan and Iraq, to no benefit of the people. An accounting needs to be made here on Earth as to where the money is going. Not like we don’t know, but we need the numbers to make the corrupt accountable.

  20. Linda Phipps says:

    AKLynne: CARLY FIORINNA! What a delicious idea. She has the charisma of a used tampon.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    Oh boy. The place is getting smelly just thinking about it. If she’s not gonna run as a woman, what IS she gonna run as?

  22. I’ve said it a zillion times, but it bears repeating. Register and vote, in every election, every year (I’m too through with every-four-years voters). Help your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to register and vote. That may mean a small money gift or loan (or a gift masquerading as a loan, so as not to cause embarrassment), internet searching for documents, or rides to the DMV and/or polling place. Do what it takes, whatever it takes. I once showed up to the polls when there wasn’t a single race in my district. I don’t regret it. VOTE.
