Sweet Georgia
Georgia has themselves a proud white man Governor by the name of Nathan Deal.
Nathan pretty much thinks anything at all that might mean leaving the 1950s is some sort of communist plot to bring socialism to Georgia.
I’d like to think he’s right.
Governor Deal’s latest issue is a movement to have an integrated prom at Wilcox County High School. Most southerners remember when schools integrated, some districts stopped having proms. The white kids’ parents gave them a private prom and that left black parents planning their own, too.
Well, 50 years later, the only thing they’ve changed in Wilcox County is the light bulbs.
Now the kids want an integrated prom, as do the parents and most politicians, including some Republican ones.
But Nathan knows the real thing going on.
Gov. Nathan Deal won’t take sides in the controversy over some Wilcox County teens’ efforts to integrate their prom.
By email, his spokesman, Brian Robinson, said Deal would have no response to a liberal group’s call for state officials, including the governor to speak out.
He wrote, “This is a leftist front group for the state Democratic party and we’re not going to lend a hand to their silly publicity stunt.”
Yeah, and Rosa Parks was just a publicity stunt.
Integration is still controversial in Georgia? Gotta love ole Nathan. Poor man left his brain at an LSD party in 1963.
Thanks to Rick for the heads up.