Sweet Georgia

April 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Georgia has themselves a proud white man Governor by the name of Nathan Deal.

Nathan pretty much thinks anything at all that might mean leaving the 1950s is some sort of communist plot to bring socialism to Georgia.

I’d like to think he’s right.

Governor Deal’s latest issue is a movement to have an integrated prom at Wilcox County High School.  Most southerners remember when schools integrated, some districts stopped having proms.  The white kids’ parents gave them a private prom and that left black parents planning their own, too.

Well, 50 years later, the only thing they’ve changed in Wilcox County is the light bulbs.

Now the kids want an integrated prom, as do the parents and most politicians, including some Republican ones.

But Nathan knows the real thing going on.

Gov. Nathan Deal won’t take sides in the controversy over some Wilcox County teens’ efforts to integrate their prom.

By email, his spokesman, Brian Robinson, said Deal would have no response to a liberal group’s call for state officials, including the governor to speak out.

He wrote, “This is a leftist front group for the state Democratic party and we’re not going to lend a hand to their silly publicity stunt.”

Yeah, and Rosa Parks was just a publicity stunt.

Integration is still controversial in Georgia?  Gotta love ole Nathan.  Poor man left his brain at an LSD party in 1963.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sweet Georgia”

  1. Heaven forfend! Support equality among all citizens!?!?!? Recognize that the issue of “separate but (not) equal” was settled 50 years ago?!?!?! Why, we’re barely into the 21st century … and really wishing for the 1800s … the early 1800s …. say before 1860.

  2. Bosco Brown says:

    A little background on Deal, he’s a real sleaze bag!


  3. maryelle says:

    Too bad he left Congress before he could be prosecuted for his ethics violations. Of course that didn’t prevent him from becoming governor down there in KKK country. Perfect example of what’s wrong with this country.

  4. Acid he would never do. Reason–he might have gotten some insights to reality. One can’t be too careful if one is Gubner of a reactionary State.

  5. publius bolonius says:

    One must not presume that Nathan had a brain to leave behind.

  6. I had a “colored” friend in high school & college. We were good friends. Color didn’t matter. I was invited to & visited his family’s home in the inner core of Milwaukee. He was invited to & visited my home in a suburb of Milwaukee. Color was not in the equation. Hate is not genetic, it is taught. He eventually married a gal of Chinese descent. I have hope that the young today ( and I’ve seen it) will change things. Governor, I think you’re history.

  7. Yes, it certainly is too bad he didn’t get prosecuted for all of his (many) ethics violations. Proud to say I voted against him and my Congress varmint Woodall.

  8. Yeah, I guess civil rights and equality are always just a Democratic “silly publicity stunt.” Wait, what year is this? How do these idiots get elected to ANYTHING?

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. I am speechless. Fear is behind it all.

    True story. I embarrass my grandson all the time. If I eat, I embarrass him. If I speak to a stranger or honk at a neighbor when I drive by, it embarrasses him. One day I said, “Do you know who Rosa Parks was?” “Yep.” “Do you think she embarrassed her grandchildren?” “Yep.”

    Perfect love casts out fear.

  10. Marge, I love your little short story!

    A friend gave me a plaque hanging on the kitchen window* that proudly states: “Whatever happens at Grandma’s stays at Grandma’s.” And all my granddaughters & their friends respect it even during Boot Camp for Moms at Camp Gramma!
    (*window is pronounced “wenda” here in Georgia)

    Grandpa Deal could use a lesson in “back to the future” before he shoots off his mouth.

  11. Btw… for anyone who has never lived in the Deep South – as PUBLIC schools were integrated, white folks simply opened their own all-white schools as “Christian” or “academies” aka de facto segregated schools for their kids. Same thing happened in the Northern states using “red lining” in real estate to achieve the same ends. I have neighbors who grew up in Georgia who still feel scandalized that a black – a black woman, mind you! – is First Lady in the White House.

    Sorry to disappoint the hopeful, but Southern youngsters are growing up to be just like their daddies & grandpappies, mamas & grandmas in this regard. No one dares shake out their ‘racial rugs’ for fear of their neighbors!

  12. maryelle says:

    Moms Hugs: You speak the truth. Racism is alive and well all over this country, and that’s what makes Obama’s Presidency such a miracle. We haven’t eradicated the hate and ignorance, but an overwhelming majority of Americans have overcome it. Now the task remains to enlighten the entrenched. May the Force be with us.
