
April 06, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Nancy Pelosi drained the swamp and Boehner is filling it again.

Boehner has hired Brett Loper as his policy director.  Brett Loper learned politics at the kneecaps of Tom DeLay, Michael Scanlon, and Jack Abramoff.

While working for Mr. DeLay, Loper took a trip to the Marianas Islands with Michael Scanlon, super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s co-conspirator. They went to the Marianas Islands to deliver favor money to two legislators in order to bribe them into switching their votes to support an Abramoff ally in his campaign to become speaker of the House. They switched their votes, Abramoff’s buddy got the job, and Abramoff was rehired and “resumed lobbying for the continuation of abusive labor practices in the islands.”

This guy, a bagman for a corrupt lobbyist before he became a corrupt lobbyist himself, is now in charge of policy, for the speaker.

“You couldn’t clean this guy up with a Brillo Pad and a tub of Ajax,” Juanita says.

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