Swamp Tours

February 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you’ll hop right on this flat boat here, Dewayne and Clive will take you on a tour of the DeeCee Swamp.

Hey, look right over there at the latest nominee to the Environmental Protection Agency, Andrew Wheeler, who is not only a coal lobbyist, but also has given major fundraisers for some real special people.

Wheeler, who was first rumored to be tapped for the EPA last March, raised funds for Republican senators on the committee that makes the preliminary decision on confirming appointments to the agency.

One of them was Jim Inhofe, a worthless Republican from Oklahoma, where Wheeler spent 14 years as a staffer.  Wheeler became a coal lobbyist in 2009 and since then has spent day and night snorting and stomping over the Obama coal regulations.  ‘Cuz what we need is way more coal accompanied by black lung disease.

This is just the latest, but it’s fresh and it sends a signal that the swamp is only getting stinkier.  Hold you nose – mixing coal and a swamp will knock you out.

Thanks to Henry for the heads up. 

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