Swamp Creatures

October 16, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Like most everybody else, I have been keeping an eye on Trump’s “voter fraud commission” that he set up to prove three million undocumented workers illegally voted for Hillary.

Trump put some unqualified nut cases in charge of it, who, in turn, can really pick ’em.

A Maryland man arrested this week after authorities said they found child pornography on his cellphone worked for President Trump’s voter fraud commission, according to a senior administration official.

Ronald Williams II, 37, of Suitland, was a researcher for the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, said the official, who requested anonymity to discuss a personnel matter.

Now that right there is what Trump refers to as “Election Integrity.”

Oh yeah, and I am really certain that every state who sent all their voter data to the commission must be mighty proud.

Thanks to Maggie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Swamp Creatures”

  1. oldymoldy says:

    Suitland? Come on!!

  2. WA Skeptic says:

    The concept of the anonymous ballot should be sacred, that is, known only to the voter and the local board. This so-called voter fraud commission is alarming because it would be all too easy for known voters of a particular side to be wiped from the rolls or even (at utmost worst) to be eliminated entirely.

    Shades of the worst thoughts ever.

  3. I have been wanting to say this for awhile so here goes. All this stand don’t kneel, show me who you voted for stuff ,do this not this, say this not that, this it is fake not real, makes me think we should be practicing our goose stepping soon. What make the USA great is I can say and do ( within reason yes) what I want! I agree trump bear..should read the Army flag code, yes code not law.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    I think it’s great. This Vote-for-a-Fraud Commission will hopefully find out how Donnie got elected!

  5. Don’t do as I do ,Do what I say. OR Else!! This is the Trump law.
    The only thing he dose well, is stuff his own pockets.

  6. This is why I always get the heebie-jeebies with something like this “commission” delving into my hitherto secret and even sacred actions. I swear there is at least one perv on every such panel. It would be so easy when in a hurry to mix up my info with a porn recording and I end up getting T&A stuff into my mailbox! These jughead “commissions” never do damn well know what the bleep they are doing!

  7. Juanita Jean… The “benefit,” if you can call it that, of the Trump presidency is that the masks are off, and the gloves too. Americans no longer get to believe they aren’t thugs, promoting aggression worldwide. That’s right, they get to be humble. Fighting with Trump, making fun of him, calling him names…all of that stuff is what he thrives in. The humility to ask “How did we let ourselves get fooled so badly?” is the silver lining. Until that is a commonplace, we’ll get more of the same (and a second Trump administration).

  8. Tilphousia says:

    Well, I’m an elderly, straight, white lady. I do everything I am able to keep LGBT rights equal to my own which is as it should be. But as soon as I began to sign petitions, etc, I began to receive porn sites in my junk file. Hmmm. See a connection? cause I do and I don’t like it.

  9. Tilphousia, I sign petitions backing LGBT rights too, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen porn sites in my incoming junk file. Maybe it matters which petitions we sign, or who started them…?

    What I do get from signing petitions is an almost infinite number of begging letters from lefty causes, political candidates from states all over the country, and every environmental and animal protection group in the nation. I don’t sign as many as I used to, because some of them are just a means of finding like-minded potential donors. Now I try to get a sense of whether this “petition” is actually going somewhere.

  10. Rhea, I am still be inundated by petitions and begging e-mails for no doubt good valid political candidates but I can’t participate. I use the “opt out” stuff at the bottom of some of these emails – not all of them are so equipped – but it doesn’t alleviate the flood. I am still incredibly pooped from my experiences with the Clinton campaign (don’t know where Hillary gets her energy) and I am on a very strict budget. I am also in a bind for the spare time to do as you did. I simply have to bug out. I have even cut myself down to one participation with my local Democratic committee. After all, a gal has to get some sleep sometime! It can even keep a few wrinkles away as well as the doctor!
