#SuspendTrump From Twitter and Facebook

May 19, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump


OK, kids, here’s something you can actively do to help get our country back – silence Trump’s continuous stream of bile and hate on social media.  The Women’s March has started a campaign to get 200,000 signatures on a petition that they can present to Twitter during their annual meeting tomorrow, demanding that the platform suspend Trump’s account for his repeated violation of it’s terms of service by inciting hate and violence against all those he doesn’t like.

Think about it – if Twitter and Facebook would just cut off his accounts, Trump would be forced to communicate like all other president’s in US history, by talking to the press and speaking from the WH in official form, not Tweeting from the toilet during one of his rampages.  Think of how much more peaceful life would be for millions of Americans if we could just silence the son of a bitch on social media.

So, please join in to the effort to #suspendtrump.  Pass it on.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “#SuspendTrump From Twitter and Facebook”

  1. An ordinary person on Main St would get tossed from twiiter if they said some of the racist, hateful crap that Trump as spewed since he was installed (like a bad toilet) in the WH. He should not be above the rules.

    I’ll sign it.

  2. megasoid says:

    Still trying to erase the image of how dirty toilet boy’s phone must be. I’m all for it, however…

    Trump already ordered Jack Dorsey to the WH to dress him down to his face:

    President Donald Trump met with Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey on Tuesday, hours after Trump erroneously accused the social media company of “discriminatory” behavior toward conservative users.

    – So how subservient is Jack Dorsey to SOCIOPATHOTUS?

    – Will lump commandeer one of his toadie’s accounts and password to proxy vent?


  3. It would be nice, but it’s not going to happen. Trump would have a field day with being “censored” for sure.

  4. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Pardon me, but I’m skeptical of any petition which automatically enrolls me in a mailing list. It just reeks too much of clickbait and an attempt to put me into someone’s database. If they truly wanted me to sign the petition, they wouldn’t include such nonsense.

  5. AK Lynne says:

    I signed it, but I doubt if Twitter has the courage to do it.

  6. El Jefe says:

    @Alan – they want you to identify yourself to reduce multiple signatures by the same person. If you look on the signature block, it has a Manage Subscriptions button where you can opt out of notifications.

  7. slipstream says:

    Just wondering. Does this list remind you of anyone?


  8. slipstream @ 7

    Can he be consigned to the lowest circle of hell where this no KFC or Micky D’s?

  9. typos!! @8

    where there is no…

    I need more coffee or something.

  10. Can you deTwitter a sitting President? Perhaps AG Barr can weigh in with a redacted opinion, under 280 characters.

  11. I beleive they will have more effect if they presented a statement of 200,000 or 2 Million who will quit facebook and twitter if they do not drop demented donnie.
    Ethical considerations do not exist for these companies only financial.
    Hit them at their bottom line or don’t bother.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    K@11 is hitting on the real motivation here. Even before Trump was allegedly elected, Twitter and Dorsey were being taken to task about allowing his blatant lies and incitement of violence. And the answer that came back was the usual squid-ink of corporate blithering.

    But shortly after he was put in office, one analyst estimated that Trump’s bunkum was worth $2 billion to Twitter:


    So even with 2 million people saying they will bail out on Twitter, unless they are worth over $1000 a head to the company, they’ll keep giving Trump a soapbox.

    I disagree with K in that we should sign petitions and let Twitter know they’ve lost us. But I also agree with K that it does mean that nobody here should be too disappointed when Twitter’s owners spurt out another cloud of squid ink … and do nothing.

  13. Teh Gerg says:

    Take away his major outlet for self-expression and frustrate the hell out of him? Okay with me, but what would said frustration drive him to do? Think about cornered rats, and prepare.

  14. @The Surly Professor #12
    I agree in general but I wonder how much of a knock on effect 200K or 2 million users dumping but platforms would have?
    Each user may not be worth enough but if coupled with “followers” who no longer have some one to follow or “freinds” ( I belong to neither and except for a 30 minute window where I had to have facebook to help relative win charity to rappel down building, never have.)
    But what would those follow on be?
    Espiacially if one could get “influencers” and or “celebrities” to be part of this exodus.
    Wonder how much money George Clooney ( random celebrity name just as an example) puts into their accounts by having his followers click on his tweets, facebook.
    It would be interesting if someone who was more knowledgable of their business models then I ( a low bar indeed) could calculate how many people would have to quit to have enough effect on their bottom line to get their attention?
    Making it a thing with a period of build up ( a month?) of advertising etc so people try to quit en masse at the same time.
    I say try to quit since I get the feeling it is a bit like aol was where it was nigh on impossible to quit.

  15. Follow on since the DCCC is so anxious to use its power to punish those who don’t kiss their shoes a new restriction would be for the DCCC and DSCC to require anyone getting any sort of campaign assistence ( polling, mailing lists etc) must not have a facebook account. All political pages must be hosted by non facebook players.
    same thing with any d weasels who go on faux.

  16. Tweeter nor Facebook has any real courage and I believe they are bigots, since they oppose the church of satan I leave it to you to figure out who they support.

  17. lazrgrl says:

    Just wondering (because I really don’t know) what would happen if 200,000 Twitter users clicked “I don’t like this ad” for each and every promoted Tweet that appears in their timeline.

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    Texas Trailerl Trash: if he loses his Twitter, he can scream censorship from the balcony but that’s all. And frankly seeing him in his white tities on the balcony screaming would be the best thing ever.

  19. megasoid says:

    Days of Whine and runny Noses… sniff.
    From angry child to blubbering manchild and back.


    Donald J. Trump


    Hard to believe that @FoxNews is wasting airtime on Mayor Pete, as Chris Wallace likes to call him. Fox is moving more and more to the losing (wrong) side in covering the Dems. They got dumped from the Democrats boring debates, and they just want in. They forgot the people…..

    Donald J. Trump


    ….who got them there. Chris Wallace said, “I actually think, whether you like his opinions or not, that Mayor Pete has a lot of substance…fascinating biography.” Gee, he never speaks well of me – I like Mike Wallace better…and Alfred E. Newman will never be President!

  20. Glidwrith says:

    I think it’s a mistake to force the orange hairball off the platforms. Every time he rage tweets he proves his gross incompetence, his bigotry, his utter lack of humanity. The Thugs can’t hide or pretend that they are not supporting a monster, when he serves fresh evidence every day of what they have become.

  21. one of the reasons i am not on twitter or facebook, too much rifraf….

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    We never had facebook accounts. For a short time had twitter on the phone to play with Kellyanne Conway’s pitiful mind, but that proved useless. Can’t raise a person’s conscience, when they don’t have one to be raised. Our phones are not loaded with dozens of apps that collect our information and we don’t feel as if we are missing anything.

    Kicking IQ4.5 off of twitter and facebook will not be nearly as useful as a mass deleting of accounts to disrupt the revenue stream. No audience, no money then twitter, facebook and IQ4.5 will go the way of Trump U. #CleanseYourPhone

  23. Sarah O says:

    twitter got enough complaints from rethugs that @DevinNunesCow got shut down for a bit. it can be done. but frump keeps spouting garbage somehow (and i agree, we might not want to corner that rat for now) and NRA trolls are still sending Shannon Watts’ death threats on social media. sooooo a double standard? hypocrisy? or all of the above on twitter & FB?

  24. AlanInAustin ... says:

    @El Jefe: There’s no need to “manage subscriptions” if you don’t force people to subscribe in the first place. Do what your petition says; don’t turn it into a fishing expedition!
