Susan Collins Can Kiss My Big Blue Butt

December 01, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So here’s what she said the crying angry guy told her about abortion.

“We talked about whether he considered Roe to be settled law. He said that he agreed with what Justice Roberts said at his nomination hearing, in which he said that it was settled law.”

Yeah, Kavanaugh made it very clear today that Collins is either a liar or exceptionally stoopid.

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0 Comments to “Susan Collins Can Kiss My Big Blue Butt”

  1. “Collins is either a liar or exceptionally stoopid.”

    With some possibility that it’s both.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Boofie less than 2/3 of a beer KK-Kable Frat Boi Kavanaugh was SoSo Collins’ mansplainin’ excuse for all the lying crap that comes out of Thief Justice Roberts’ mouth? Lordy with Kaveman, KKKoathangar Barrett added to SCROTUS, and Roberts now simulating the ‘moderate’ QOP view, President Biden needs to act now to expand the court. Or, we are headed back to 1865 and before at warp speed.

  3. What Rick said….

  4. SCOTUS will overturn Roe v. Wade without appearing to overturn it. That will keep it as a wedge issue for the GOP in future campaigns.

  5. Rick beat me to it. Now we will have to wait until June to find out what the Supremes will do. If they indeed undo Roe and Casey, that just might rile up the women the way TFG did for the 2018 elections. In other words, the GQP will reap the whirlwind they have been stoking for 40+ years.

  6. Rick – I do believe this is one of the few times Susie can do two things at once, be a liar AND exceptionally stoopid.

  7. This is a pickle for Rs- they love to run on getting rid of Roe, but if it’s thrown out they’ve stirred up a nasty beehive of angry women, which they can’t afford.

  8. willwheaten says:

    @Jane & PKM (2)
    What the heck are you trying to say? I’m 73 this month, and I guess I need a decoder ring to make sense of your comments.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Other than “bravely” voting to certify Biden’s election, I can’t remember where she hasn’t said one thing and done the opposite of what most rational voters want. Oh, that’s right, she’s a repugnantican.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    lazrgrl @6, with any luck the QOP is about to disembowel themselves on one of their faux ‘hot button’ issues. In addition to angering reasonable women and the men who love them, ‘winning’ leaves the QOP one less piece of red meat to feed their base. 1973. Roe v. Wade. The QOP has been beating that non-issue for 48 years.

    What’s with the hypocrisy among conservatives? Men against abortion can wear a condom, get a vasectomy, or STFU. While conservative women are free to choose between birth control, abstinence and incubating/breeding the collision between sperm and egg. They have choices; why do they think they have the ‘right’ to make choices for others?

  11. Katherine Goebel says:

    In the meantime, would someone a lot smarter than me please start a huge fund to help poor women access abortion care? Rich women have always had and will always have access to safe abortions. Poor women don’t and that usually means they stay poor and in abusive relationships.

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    This was a sad day for the US, but it’s about to get a lot worse.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Texass just banned abortions after 7 weeks!!!

    Collins did call to codify Roe through acts of Congress after her epiphany about Kavernmouth the Liar’s propensity for overturning precedence.

    Not sure i will believe her now. Kavernmouth wasn’t the only drumph nominee to lie under oath.

  14. Katherine Goebel: THIS. EXACTLY THIS.

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    Katherine Goebel @ 11: My wife and I have been contributing to Planned Parenthood for several years now and it seems to be a decent organization for women’s reproductive health in general. They charge a sliding scale depending on income, and I know the local one charges nothing for women who are homeless or in shelters. And that includes abortion services.

    Does anyone have other suggestions? Maybe especially for women in third-world states like Alabama or Texas. We have local shelters for women fleeing abusive situations, but they are not national or even state-wide. I have also found it useful to talk to women who have actually used those services, to make sure they were treated fairly and with dignity.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Surly Professor, women’s last hope may rest on Dems and a few magats in Congress to codify abortion as sovereign law of the land.

  17. I realize this is cynical as hell, so apologies in advance.
    Just heard a a Professor of emergency medicine on CNN bring up how many miscarriages there have been due to COVID-19.
    As I understand it, if Texas’s vigilante abortion law is left as is, women who have miscarriages might have the burden of proving in a civil court that they didn’t have an abortion.
    So here’s my f’d up question.
    Would a woman who refused to get vaccinated even before getting pregnant be more liable for losing her baby?

  18. Jere S Armen says:

    Stupid, gullible, and looking for a reason to vote for his confirmation. Why the people of Maine returned her to office still puzzles me, since none of the people I know in Maine voted for her.

  19. Katherine says:

    Check out the Yellowhammer Find in Alabama!

  20. Yellowhammer Fund!

  21. AliceBeth says:

    Either Susan Collins is the stupidest, most gullible human ever or a liar. Pretty sure she could compete for either. She does seem incapable of learning. She has made the same claim so many times.
