Susan Collins and The Boys

October 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Susan Collins, a woman, said this:

“I found Dr. Ford’s testimony to be heart-wrenching, painful, compelling, and I believe that she believes what she testified to.”

But she added: “I’m 100 percent certain that this did not happen.”

And she knows it did not happen because a man told her so.  A man said, “Hey, that woman over there testifying, she’s nuts in all kinds of ways,” and Susan Collins believed him.

Do you you what’s scarier than a Republican man?  A Republican woman because they have no excuse. They know they are doing the wrong thing and they do it anyway because a man told them to.


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0 Comments to “Susan Collins and The Boys”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    You have the shovel, Sen. Collins. Keep digging, you may meet old G_assley in a hole somewhere in the vicinity of hell. When it comes to walking back the st00pid, these clowns make the Myth of Sisyphus look like a party game.

  2. But remember: raising money for her opposition because of her actions is an immoral “bribe.”

  3. Boom.

  4. It will be my great pleasure to contribute to her opposition candidate. She should be ashamed of herself for what she has done.

  5. How come the people Republicans disagree with (100% certain… did not happen, although I wasn’t there) are some type of crisis actor to them? They compliment the “performer” on his or her portrayal of their experience, then call them a liar.

    Who’s the real performer when someone like Susan Collins says these things? Who’s the real liar?

  6. Lunargent says:

    I’m going to make Collins the first name on my new PMB List.
    That’s for Permanent Mute Button. Because not a single sound worth hearing ever comes out of her damned lying mouth.

    Second on the list is Jeff Flake.

    What a fustercluck last week was. Thank God it’s over.

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I was happy to add my widow’s mite to ABC (Anyone But Collins), and thrilled to think her opponent may be Susan Rice. It’s nauseating to think a woman played a major role in putting a lying, drunken rapist on the Supreme Court. People of Maine, how do you vote for Angus King and this hag? Is there something bad in the tap water?

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    That wasn’t very clear. I meant to ask how one state elects two such different senators. No disrespect to Senator King, who is one of the Good Guys.

  9. Lunargent says:

    I like Rice, but I don’t know if she’d be a good candidate. Not through any fault of hew own, but because the right wing lie machine would Benghazi her to death.
    This Dr. Cat London seems interesting. We’ll have to see what develops. If she’s a real Democrat, and not another Jill Stein, there could be real potential there.

    But 2020 is still too far way.

  10. This is the same damn fool who said that she thought Kavanaugh would be… what were the words… something like a moderating influence on the Court? When I flap my arms and fly to the moon, honey. Try opening your eyes and ears.

  11. I wouldn’t be surprised if waffling Sue didn’t run again. She really wants to be governor. As our “president” says, we’ll see what happens.

  12. I heard her say this “alleged assault”, so to me that says I do not believe Dr Ford. I don’t think I am wrong .

  13. “I am 100% certain…” spoken by a woman under oath to her Party against a woman under oath to our country.

  14. “I am 100% certain…” spoken by a woman under oath to her Party against a woman under oath to our country.

  15. After all like the wicked witch of the shrubs said ” why waste my beatiful mind ”
    So collins is saving what little she has. her ethics are for sale and her morality is equally transactional up to the highest bidder.
    As far as she is concerned melania doing her bo derek homage ( Tarzan the Ape man) in africa is the “proper” way for women to act.
    Why they bother to waste their beatiful minds on silly things such as justice is beyond her limitedd capacities.
    after all how much money has she ever gotten from “justice”
    And, as the present situation is concerned, it is crooks, liars and fraud who profit and win so she just wants to hitch her star to a winning man. After all isn’t that the way it is suppose to be?
    Look bankers in ’08 -richer then ever now never held responsible, miscreants from the twits admin – riding high, name a crime and she can show you an individual who she respects and has gotten wealthy from it who are guilty of it.
    Having been brought up in parochial school I have always gotten up and offered my seat to older, infirm or burdened people. Espiacially women.
    Collins and her cotorie of female thuglican jackels can stand.
    If presented with situation will not give up seat even if she is in the throes of health emergency.
    Let her drop and bleed out in the gutter where she belongs.
    I won’t help.
    Nor should any person who values decency and humanity.

  16. @K:

    I believe we have a GOP senate of whores (both sexes) where money talks and the power it buys is all that matters.

    This should be a wake call to all voters and especially female voters.

    As for Melania, I see her African photo op, as only that. We the tax payers PAID for it. I think this a shallow attempt to channel popular appeal like the late Princess Diana. Melania will never be Diana.

  17. @ Papa
    It is time to recognize that the thuglicans are running a scorched earth stratagy, like their hero stalin.
    They are looting what ever is movable or negoitable and destroying what remains.
    They bestow the right to pillage our environment to their fossil fuel buddy’s and get contributions, sinecures, board seats and jobs for the kids, and since they own the judges no legal challenges will be accepted. Hell with the anti protesting laws they would be looking to make a profit off of restricting the first amendment for non -commercial use. Look at what they are doing up north on added betrayal of treaty’s with native americans. For actually standing up and trying to protect our environment they are being criminaly prosecuted for infringing on corporations god given right to despoil the environment. Not only thet but with the use of “private” prisons and “private” security they are profit taking off of this constititional abomination.
    With a solidly wholy owned majority on the supreme court and working on lower courts they are worry free of any challenges even if the other 2 arms of government are stripped away.
    Environmental laws are unconstitional because money equals speech ( buckley v. Viello ?) corporations are citizens ( 1890’s scotus ruling with an hand written addedenum on a ruling – much like the bridge to nowhere – written by a railroad lawyer on loan to supreme court) . The state cannot restrict a “persons”(corporation) right of speech and if one limits any potential profits they are restricting the amount of money ( speech) that the the “person” has to express their viewpoint. So any envirinmental laws that would have any negative effect on profits is a clear case of prior restaint upon an “individuals” (corp) speech.
    Inane yes but look at the paid for puppets we have on the supreme court.
    This was just one arena I have addressed. Imagine the absurdities we will hear from this addled juvinile bunch of judicial whores constuenting the majority of the bench.
    What with new climate forcasts anyone who voters for thuglicans must be barced publicly and shamed for the future they are creating for their children and grandchildren. No one who votes thuglican should be allowed on the PTA, school board or any other youth oriented organization.
    In Their Faces.

    melania just’s wants to be like Bo.

  18. Collins doesn’t make a lick of sense.
