Surprise! Surprise! It’s Alex Jones and He’s Trying To Get Someone Killed.
This time it’s Beto O’Rourke, who already has Texas State Representative Briscoe Cain threatening his life, now adds Alex Jones.
ALEX JONES (HOST): We got to fund this operation. I came in this morning, and I said, “Hey everybody, what’s a great Beto counter shirt? Like ‘from our cold dead hands’?” I was like how about “from his cold dead hands”? Well I don’t want to threaten him. But that’s what’s going to happen, you know they try to take the guns, it’s civil war. I mean, how do you do it?
Well, Alex has lost most of his advertisers over his fight with the Sandy Hook parents so now he’s selling shock tee-shirts.
When you have both Briscoe Cain and Alex Jones against you, you’re doing something right. By the way, somebody please send Briscoe Cain a hand basket. He’s gonna need it for the trip.