Sure. Sure, We Believe You. I Mean, Look At The Evidence.

December 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jacksonville, Florida, ain’t exactly the sprawling center of racial harmony, but when someone at the Army Corp of Engineers placed a Confederate flag on the desk of an African American man just one week after nine people were killed in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, things didn’t seem, you know, proper.

Susan Thompson, 58 years old, a worker at the office, who is white, denied to federal investigators that she had anything to do with it, even though she had a contentious relationship with the victim.

Prosecutors say that during interviews over the Jacksonville incident, Thompson lied to investigators twice.

Thompson later resigned and has admitted to placing the flag. She denied it was racially motivated.

Nah, nah, it wasn’t racially motivated.  Not at all. She had no idea what the confederate flag is. She thought it meant Have a Nice Day!


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