Super PAC Fun in the Sun

July 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there a new SuperPac that is apparently cause for great celebration.

It’s called The Sons and Daughter of America.  I kinda feel like the word Dammit ought to be in there somewhere, but it isn’t. Come to think of it, somebody should hire me to think of names for these semi-criminal enterprises.

You can feast your eyes upon this endeavor to raise money for politically nefarious (my opinion only because all SuperPAC are nefarious) or personal income purposes.

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Zack’s own picture

The owner of this PAC is a 21 year old guy named Zachary John Cossum.  He tells the FEC that his mailing address is in Kingwood, Texas, but he tells Texas voter registration that his mailing address is in San Antonio, Texas.

It is interesting to me that Zachary John Cossum hasn’t been all that interested in politics before now.  He registered to vote in March of 2012 and promptly voted in the Republican Primary.  He didn’t vote in the general election that year nor has he voted even one damn time since then.

He’s been busy, you see, with the Travis County Sheriff’s Department.  On July 10th, 2015, a mere ten days before filing as a big time political fundraiser …

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Hey, it’s a Friday night.  He’s 21.  We all make mistakes.

But it just goes to show you that (1) anydamnbody can open a political PAC, (2) you should never give money to a political PAC because Zak is probably on the other end, and (3) Citizens United sucks.  Big time.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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