Sunday Morning Toon

April 22, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I thought this was perfect for a Sunday morning.

Click the little one to see the big one.


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0 Comments to “Sunday Morning Toon”

  1. well, that says it damn all, doesn’t it!

  2. I think they left out the vice of drunkeness (unless my lack of caffeine has struck again). Switching out the sacramental wine with whiskey will get them to church…just sayin’

  3. Sam in St Paul says:

    Covers the entirety of the Southern Baptist Church.

  4. How many Commandments does that leave? One? Or two? The new condensed edition of the PTV* Bible could be a pamphlet.

    * President Trump Version

  5. I go to Fox news’s website every day (for my sins). There was a story today about the danger of the Hayward fault line and the devastation a quake there would cause. The Foxtards were jubilant about the prospect of millions of “liberals” being killed. They truly are disgusting, pathetic wastes of oxygen.

  6. UmptyDump says:

    For some denominations: Only. Too. True.

    The only word to describe it is … apostasy.

  7. easttxdem says:

    The Veil has been ripped away….and it ain’t pretty or Christian.

  8. joel hanes says:

    The faux Christians who are the subject of that strip do not read Doonesbury

  9. joel hanes says:

    How many Commandments does that leave? One?

    None of the original 10 remain standing.

    They’ve been replaced with
    “You shall have no God but Mammon”,
    which is engraved on the plinth of a statue of two golden bulls,
    erected in their holy of holies
    Wall Street

  10. Poor Will says:

    Ichabod…”the glory has departed”.

  11. My mom was a Catholic and my dad was a Jew. From a very early age well over a half century ago I never saw the need or had the desire for “worship” as it was presented to me. A lot of meaningless rituals and sermons to waste most of a Sunday which was precious time away from school.

    Even at the age of 6-7 I realized I didn’t need someone in robes to tell me what right and wrong was and if I wanted to know the story of Jesus (and I actually had some interest) I could read about it on my own.

    Fast forward to today and I am still no more inclined and I either don’t understand or I understand too well why all those people go to church. If they want to fine but I don’t really need to have anything to do with it.

    Some of the hymns are nice, though. Too few.

  12. Those people have never read more than five or six verses in their “holy book” anyway. They just scrolled to the bottom and clicked on “Accept.” People were literally burned at the stake for the right to print the book in English so they could read it and find out what it says for themselves, instead of having a priest tell them, but they can’t be bothered.

    By no coincidence, I’m sitting here wearing a shirt that says, if I can read it upside down, “I’m the rational outspoken pro-choice pro-equality freethinking science-loving ATHEIST your parents warned you about.”

  13. “And abortion when the fetus is politically inconvenient.”

  14. SteveTheReturned says:

    Now that’s a Doonesbury that’s going to be around for a long, long time. It’s a perfect slice & dice of the fundamentalists’ hypocrisy in backing a godless creep like trump.

  15. Malarkey says:

    Two Corinthians… walk into a bar…

  16. … and once their eyes adjusted to the dim light, who should the Two Corinthians spot in a corner booth but Jesus, Moses, and the Buddha…

  17. I would laugh if that truth didn’t make tears flow.

  18. slipstream says:

    Hey, do you know why Southern Baptists are opposed to premarital sex?

    Because it sometimes leads to dancing.

  19. The bar is now so low it had to be placed in a trench.

  20. Linda Phipps says:

    I have been a crusader against “blind faith” for ever so long, starting with stating that the “religious right” is neither religious nor right. We started sliding down hill the exact moment when Saint Ronnie invited Jerry Falwell to the table.

  21. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    The Suthren Baptists got hard against drunkenness during the temperance movement, and haven’t changed much on that. They still don’t acknowledge each other if they meet in the liquor store.

  22. maryelle says:

    The first two scenes of the ‘toon do not ring true. No evangelical preacher would even question what comes next. They’re leading the charge for Dump.
