Sunday Morning Feeling Fine

July 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Trump

Under the wake up to a giggle flag, we have breaking news coming to my cellphone this morning.

Donald Trump is running strong in the early nominating states of Iowa and New Hampshire, according to two new NBC News-Marist polls.

Trump leads the Republican presidential field in New Hampshire, getting support from 21 percent of potential GOP primary voters. He’s followed by Jeb Bush at 14 percent, Scott Walker at 12 percent and John Kasich at 7 percent.

So this means that Trump gets center stage at the GOP debate early next month and the centerfold of Weird Hair Don’t Care monthly magazine.

TrumpDoesn'tKnowAnd the GOP is fretting like a grandma with ten snakes in the garden and one hoe.  Molly Ball in The Atlantic says, “Trump has the Republican Party by the throat. It cannot figure out how to get rid of him.”

Yet the party has no power over Trump. He has the money, he has the press, he has the voters. If he does not feel the GOP is treating him fairly, he is considering running as an independent instead. In that case, polls indicate he would take a chunk of votes from the Republican candidate, and Hillary Clinton would win by a large margin.”

Go Donald, Go!

Trump is doing so well that the other GOP candidates have to attack him just to get any attention.  Lindsey Graham was the Nowhere Man until he attacked Trump.  Rick Perry was invisible until he called Trump a cancer on conservatism.  Whoa, I thought conservatives was a damn cancer.

In my mind, here’s the deal.  In his book, The American we Deserve, Trump explains that he supports an assault weapons ban.

I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.

He has also flipped flopped all over the place on choice.  He says he was pro-choice until he heard some “personal stories,” so we’ll tell him some other personal stories and he’ll be back pro-choice in a – excuse me – New York minute.

Best I know, he’s never been to church in his life, and people opposed to lightning strikes hope that continues.

So, here’s the deal – he opposes things the Republicans love and loves the things they oppose, except one.  He’s a damn racist.  That is the only grounds on which a Republican could support him.

The only times he gets polls boosts is when he does something racist.  President Obama’s birth certificate?  Totally racist.  Border issues?  Racist.

So, Donald Trump’s support come from racist GOP members.  And, apparently, they control the GOP right now.

Not that anydamnbody should be surprised.

 Thanks to Scott for getting me to think about this.

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0 Comments to “Sunday Morning Feeling Fine”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    “… he’s never been to church in his life…”

    Yes he has. His last marriage was in Palm Beach, FL in Bethesda by the Sea, a charming stone Gothic style church. Of course, it was all for show. After 2 divorces I’m surprised the church agreed. I guess money talks louder than dogma. Go figure.

  2. Who would have thought T-rump would break the fungelical stronghold on the republican party?
    He will split the party, the republican crazies on T-rump side and the crazy fungelicals on the other.

    What we must look like to the rest of the civilized world? What will the rest of the world do to US if we elect either T-rump or somebody like Walker or Cruz?

  3. He’s admitted to drinking his “little wine and eating the little cracker” at Communion, but says he’s never asked God for forgiveness. I think he’s missed the point of the whole thing.

  4. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    If I lived in Iowa or New Hampshire and someone asked me who I thought should be the Repugnicant candidate, I’d tell them Trump just to make sure they have a weak candidate.

  5. Well, I wouldn’t say that being a damn racist is the only grounds on which a Republican could support him. He’s also mean as junkyard dog. The base loves him even when he attacks white guys.

  6. Diane, one truly weird thing is that the fungelicals seem to support Trump. I think this is possible because WingNuts manage to believe whatever they want regardless of the facts. When they support any deranged candidate the WNs truly believe in their hearts that that nut shares all their own nutty beliefs.

    This is why the base often ends up supporting oligarchs who sneer at the base because it’s stupid and poor.

  7. Able Assistant: Gee, Micr, what do you want to do tonight?
    Micr: The same thing we do every night, Able Assistant – try to destroy the T-partay!

    The racist t-party dominated GOP must deny T-Rump their nomination so that he will mount a third party independent run at the WH. I totally agree with the quote above attributed to Molly Ball, but it is such a happy prediction it merits seeing again, “If he (he is our little friend T-Rump) does not feel the GOP is treating him fairly, he is considering running as an independent instead. In that case, polls indicate he would take a chunk of votes from the Republican candidate, and Hillary Clinton would win by a large margin.”” Damn! I mean just Damn. So don’t cross over to the GOP to vote for T-Rump, cross over to vote for someone else, while encouraging T-Rump to run as an independent. Se he’s good for something after all!

  8. maryelle says:

    La Boca Grande will never submit to Republican control of his campaign so it’s pretty much a given that he will run on his own,
    thereby living La Vida Loca. All we have to do is enjoy the show.
    Feet up, popcorn ready…enjoy!

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Silly Republicans! Can’t fight T-Rump? Bring in Orly and the Birthers to pin the tail on T-Rump. Oh wait. I see your problem. The racist Birthers are you, as are all the other nativist kooks.

    Wonder what Reince is drinking this morning as he observes the smoldering ashes of his ‘outreach’ program.

  10. T-Rump Peaked Early!
    He’ll never get the nomination…

    We should however, when any polls call say we are voting for T-Rump to encourage him running as an Independent…

    We are watching the Republicans throw 2016 away without a single ballot being cast… Watch & Laugh!

  11. Yeah, Anderson, Nader and Perot weren’t even worth their own time to run as a third-er largely because they did not have the jack El Donaldo does. This is where he could be a real, real problem. That much dinero could swing the tallies on voting machines and whatever else can be edible. And El Donaldo is capable of eating anything and everything, even if he has to get out of his limousine to do it!

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Republicons are racists first, “Christians” second. Otherwise the GOP/Tpee base would reject T-Rump for being a secularist. What they fail to digest is that T-Rump not only places himself above any and all imagined deities, he places himself above all others. “All others” – that means everyone, including the “you” of the GOP/Tpee base.

    As T-Rump would say, “he’s really rich and smart.” Of course he fails to mention, “rich and smart” in a jackass sort of way.

  13. All y’all are acting like the support for T Rump (like T Rex but with worse hair- thanks Diane) is based on principles. C’mon, in theend there is only one thing that makes a difference to the Party of Lincoln (as in the picture on the $5 bill). Money. Trump and everybody else thinks that anyone making less than $250K/yr is supposed to pay their fair share of taxes as well as paying the taxes that the rich avoid by job creatin’.
    This is about tax cuts for the wealthy, just like every election since St Ronnie “Being There” Reagan ran.

  14. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    PKM: Preibus has an “outreach program”? The only thing I’ve ever seen the Repugnicans reach for was the NRA and very rich donors.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    W. C. (Pete) Peterson, I stand corrected! Should have said purported, alleged, etc. “outreach program” following the GOP’s autopsy after their second loss to President Barack Hussein Obama.

    Reince and other GOP establishment figurines claimed to know what they need to enlarge their circus tent. Per them, they need minority voters; women, Latinos, African-Americans, LGBT and other sane folks.

    All that I have observed are the same few minorities who were always in their tent: Ana Navarro, Cait Jenner, a number of Uncle Ruckuses, and self-loathing Log Cabin Republicons.

  16. Trump has the GOP by the throat? Think again, Molly. Donald Trump IS the Republican Party.

  17. John Peter Henson says:

    The only problem with this is T-Rump will not spend any of HIS money….that is how he got rich.

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    I am in the “hope for the best but prepare for the worst” camp which brands me as a kind of troll I guess. The really big seemingly unsurmountable hurdle for the Democratic Party is the rock bottom Calvinist belief of much of this country, which manages somehow to join piety with capitalism. No matter now repugnant the GOP/Tea Party candidates are, they hold out the vision of success for even the stupidest, illiterate numbskull out there.

  19. Zyxomma says:

    Anyone who hasn’t read Jim Wright’s superb essay on this subject, must. Read it, share it:

  20. Hollyanna says:

    Jim Wright is correct. Donald Trump is the personification of the Republican Party–but they don’t actually have the grace to be embarrassed by him, imho. They love the mean rich white guy birther persona.

  21. Kate oDubhagain says:

    You could say Trump will run as a turd party. (Sorry Moma)

  22. Myrnatoo says:

    Well, given his money, he’s the only repugnant who doesn’t have to be a koch sucker. You can pronounce “koch”, however you want to pronounce it. Hope that’s Momma approved language.

  23. fierywomqn says:

    Thanks for turning me on to Jim Wright a few months ago. Here’s my favorite statistician (even better than 538):

  24. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Recommended and quoted this on Steve Benen’s MADDOWBLOG, but couldn’t quote Kate O’Dub’s comment directly. Hinted at it, and a tip of me own hat to her as well.

  25. Biggomama says:

    Would someone trump Ol’ Donald….please!
