Sunday Funday

March 31, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Sunday Funday”

  1. Perfect!!!

  2. Old Fart says:

    Sorry folks.

    Michelle is too smart to run…

  3. Beyond weird. About as wanted a babysitter as Wicked Uncle Ernie from The Who’s Tommy.

    Dang, I’m old. As someone said, I remember when rock stars used to die of an overdose instead of falling over on stage and breaking a hip.

  4. Rhea, is that what happened to Mick Jagger? (No, I know it isn’t, but it could have been.) I looked at a picture of those guys recently, and they could rename themselves The Rolling Zombies. (If you want to warn your kids/grandkids off drugs, those faces should do it.)

    Anyway, love the picture posted above.

  5. maryelle says:

    Word has it Jagger needs a heart valve replacement.
    Trump, however, is in need of a brain, heart and soul.

  6. Word has it that after the nuclear holocaust or the next big meteor strike, there will be nothing left but cockroaches and Keith Richards.
