Sufferin’ Succotash!

August 14, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

As well as you, I didn’t spend one nanosecond listening to the TFG/Musk livestream on Monday.

I’d rather watch grass grow.

I’d rather listen to gravel in my car’s hubcap.

But what we all missed got the attention of every late-night host or writing staff the following day: The Former Guy sounded like
Sylvester on steroids. No, not Stallone, the Looney Toons cartoon character, Sylvester the Cat, who craves the sweet taste of Tweetie Bird.

It is a speech impediment known as a “sloppy lisp.” You can hear it on this audio clip.

Was TFG having a “Polident moment”?

As explained by audio engineers, the lisp was an effect of audio compression for the livestream, as the Orange Buffoon sounded “just fine” from where he was videoed at home. Or, as TFG’s advisor, Steven Cheung helpfully observed: “Must be your sh**ty hearing. Get your ears checked out.”

Maybe so. But maybe Elon ought to look into who was in charge of Twitter’s (now X’s) audio compression programs, and why did he fire them.

0 Comments to “Sufferin’ Succotash!”

  1. I taut ai taw a putty tat!

    Sorry! Just couldn’t hold it back

  2. Everything Trump says requires an explanation. (“When he said bloodbath he didn’t mean bloodbath, he really meant….”)

    Now even the sounds that come out of mouth must be explained.

    Billionaires had substandard audio equipment, couldn’t even start on time, but sure, they’re the best guys for the job of running the country.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Musk won’t contradict what the blithering orange idiot says because he’s looking to sell cars to Trumpf’s blithering idiot cult.
    It’s all predictable. Could anyone expect a different narrative?

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    What could be worse than two blithering narcissists than Elon and Orange the felon Donald. Add in JD vance and you have your answer.

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    I sound like that now. After 64 years, a front tooth that was knocked loose playing football but pulled back into place finally started causing trouble.

    I had to get new teeth and the dentist took the opportunity to correct an overbite.

    I wish she hadn’t because now I talk like Sylvester.

    For the first time, I can feel sympathy with trump.

  6. Juanita Jean says:

    I dunno, I thought it was kinda cute. The whole thing displayed in living color the total incompetence of both guys. You can’t buy that with regular money. That takes a whole special grade of money.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    OT, but this really takes the cake when it comes to blithering idiots. RFK jr must really think he’s sought after. Put him in the room with Elon, TFFG, JD V and you have a room full of hot air with no redeeming qualities.

  8. Welcome home Juanita Jean. It’s great to hear your thoughts again.
