“Stupid Women” Bill Gets Vote Today in Texas

March 02, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Being as how Texas wimmen are far too dumb to make personal decisions on their own,” Juanita says this morning, “the bill requiring women to view a sonogram prior to having an abortion comes before the Texas House today.  Get under your desk and cover your head with your arms because there will be voting happening at the Texas House.”

Juanita has a pretty good idea. “If this bill passes, I think they ought to require anyone considering having an alcoholic beverage to view the autopsy of someone killed by a drunk driver.  Alcohol kills far more people – the real, living kind.  So, anyone who wants a drink ought to have to view the autopsy and think it over for 24 hours. Especially if they’re a member of the Texas Lege,” she explains.

I’m serious as a snakebite,” she says.

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