
August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please allow me to introduce you to Sam and Patricia Harless.  They are the owners of Fred Fincher Motors.

Patricia Harless is the Republican Texas State Representative of District 126, which is right outside Houston.  She’s one of those foam at the mouth about Voter ID, homeschooling, and Jesus people.  She has had to repeatedly deny that she ever hires undocumented workers.  Hell, she’ll deny it when nobody has even asked about it.

Well, she took to the Twitter and announced that her husband Sam is running for the State Senate.

Now, that would be Senator Dan Patrick’s old job because Dan is running for Lt. Gov.  Sam has vowed to spend $1 million of his own money in the race.

The Happy Couple - Still in Shock

Maybe he should before the lawyers get it.

It seems that Sam’s Used Car dealership might be subject to some legal action.

You know, like torture.

But, I am sure it was the Christian kind.

A man filed a civil lawsuit against his former employer after he said he was tortured  and humiliated in front of co-workers and customers for nine months.

Bradley Jones, 45, worked at Fred Fincher Motors for more than four years.

He said for the last nine months, his fellow employees began sneaking up on him and hitting him with a stun gun.

He said it happened at least two dozen times and each incident left him more on edge.

“I was constantly looking behind my shoulder, distracted, couldn’t sleep,” Jones said. “I would even look behind my shower curtain at home.”

Jones said his boss, Sam Harless, provided the stun gun and also held the camera many times. The videos were posted on YouTube, but have been taken off.

Harless called it “a frivolous lawsuit.”  I dunno, dude.  There’s video tape of it.

And you might spend some of that million dollars getting someone to get that guilty as hell look off your face.

Thanks to Lorraine in Spring for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Stunning”

  1. Umptydump says:

    What is the difference between the video at Fred Fincher Motors and this ––4o-ks

    One is horseplay and the other is a fight? Perhaps.

    But both constitute criminal battery, whether in Florida or in Texas, and both are recorded videos that provide irrefutable evidence of guilt in a court of law.

    Mr. Harless might be better served to divert some of his political campaign money to his criminal and civil defense, as well as to future punitive damage payments to his victim. That would be a much better use for the funds than Texas Senate campaign PR, which is not likely to be very effective once the KHOU-TV report goes fully viral.

  2. eyesoars says:

    What is it with Republicans and their inability to comprehend the concept of consent?

    There’s something really, really broken in these people.

  3. IOKIYAR. Any questions?

  4. eyesoars, this is one more example of insufficient diversification. No what I mean?

  5. maryelle says:

    The need to hurt and humiliate and disguise it as a joke begins in school as bullying and in the adult world is called assault. Just what the world needs, another sociopathic politician.

  6. Thanks for posting this, JJ. I am speechless, other than to say that I hope there is still some justice in Texas.

  7. Mr. Harless’s mistake was in using a stun gun instead of the real article. And not doing it in Florida.

  8. Chlorine the gene pool.
    Or, So many ‘christians’ so few lions?

    A few of the t shirts I have seen over the years.

  9. Charles Phillips says:

    I see it now, I can almost write the headline; “Disgruntled former employee shoots car dealer over minor prank.”

    This, combined with Looie Goober’s stupidity and cops doing cavity searches alongside the road are serious indicators that most Texans put up with waaaaay too much.

  10. Grace Newton says:

    Frat Brat bullies when they grow up. Old style sales organizations where they use bullying as a training mechanism. Or just plain garden variety stupid. Your choice.

  11. Lorraine in Spring says:

    maryelle says:
    August 7, 2013 at 7:28 pm
    “The need to hurt and humiliate and disguise it as a joke begins in school as bullying and in the adult world is called assault. Just what the world needs, another sociopathic politician.”

    Perfectly said, Maryelle!

    This story made me sick. All involved in the attacks against Mr. Jones should be in prison.
