Study, Jodie, Study
The good folks in Michigan have come up with an idea.
Since we are testing the h-e-doubleL out of our kids in school, why not test the legislators and education committee members to see if they can pass the tests.
A bill in Lansing would put to the test the elementary school-level skills of Michigan’s 110 state representatives and 38 senators, as well as the governor, state superintendent of education and state Board of Education.
All would be required to take standardized tests required of Michigan’s third- eighth- and 11th-grade students under the proposed Mandatory Public School Test Validation Act. Their results would be posted online.
Remember Texas State Representative Jodie Laudenberg who thought emergency room rape kits “cleaned out” a rape victim? And who had to have escorts to the podium when she was answering questions after that?
Honey, I not only believe that she couldn’t pass it but I think they’d have to have someone show her which end of the pencil to use.
I ain’t making any bets about David Dewhurst or Rick Perry either.
Thanks to Mike for the heads up.