Street Fighting Man

November 16, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Most people are familiar with the old expression that when you are a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. I suppose that is why when you elect a former MMA fighter you are libel to see them use their skills in the halls of Congress at some point. Senator Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma did just that when he challenged a witness to a brawl in the middle of a hearing. To his credit (or not), the witness seemed willing to go. They have often called politics blood sport, but I don’t think they meant that literally. Of course, in this day and age it becomes increasingly important to define our pronouns. We need to define exactly who “they” is. Mullin seemed to lean into that behavior as he signaled to a time when Andrew Jackson supposedly won nine duels.

Andrew Jackson was born in 1767 (eight years before the first shots of the revolution) and would survive somehow to 1845. My math is a little fuzzy, but I think that is more than 150 years ago. I’m not a huge fan of basing our rules of decorum on maybe the most uncouth guy in presidential history to sit in the White House. Of course, he held that distinction before the last occupant begrudgingly left in January of 2021.

There are two separate conversations to be had here. First, we need to ask why people continually elect these jackasses to the House of Representatives and the Senate. At a certain point it becomes a question of whether they are too stupid to realize they are jackasses or lack the moral compass to care. Eventually, when you elect enough jackasses then we cease to be surprised when the whole institution devolves into jackassery. When you continually elect jackasses then we become convinced that either the people electing them are also jackasses or they don’t seem to mind that they are being represented by people worse than themselves.

The second consideration are the jackasses themselves. Donald Trump’s oldest sister resigned from the federal judiciary in 2019 when she became embroiled in his scandals. There were questions about how an intelligent woman would get caught up in all of that. Yet, there was some level of admiration for her minimal human standard of recognizing that her position on the bench was no longer tenable.

Rage immediately followed. Why are we praising someone for that minimal standard? So many of our politicians can’t even be bothered to meet that bar. We could include people like Clarence Thomas, George Santos, and Bob Menendez. It seems one party has more than the other, but Menendez’s presence is a sign that it is not just a Republican problem. It is a problem of both political parties holding the people that represent them to a higher standard. It is a problem for voters that blindly pull the blue or red lever without caring who is behind that label. It is a problem for our media that focuses on the horse race mentality and not to the horses actually running the race.

More importantly, it is time to start being more specific. Both parties have crooks and jackasses in them, but not every politician is a crook or a jackass. Some are honorable people simply trying to do the public’s business. Others are crooks and jackasses. When you wave a wand and call all of them the same thing you cheapen the threat that those crooks and jackasses pose. If your conservative representative or senator is a jackass then find someone that is conservative and not a jackass. If you can’t then maybe that should tell you something.


0 Comments to “Street Fighting Man”

  1. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Well said, Nick! It’s time for adults to be in charge in Congress.

    And in your second sentence, instead of “libel” you mean “liable.”

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Charles Sumner might have a few select words for Sen. Mullin! This is the same desire, when you own a gun, you want to shoot it. If you have a rifle or shotgun and want to hunt animals, fine, but handguns and assault style weapons are for hunting humans. Hopefully, our legislators must walk through a metal detector or we might have a shooting next.

  3. I agree completely. I knew, know, and worked with a number of politicians, and it bothers me when people paint with such a broad brush. The Repugnicants. however, are working very hard at earning a broad-brush, uncomplimentary label.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The question you raised Nick about why do jackasses continue to get elected I think is that a lot of voters like bad boys and girls. They like the tough bad asses. In the repugnantican party, I think a lot of voters want to be seen as tough so they gravitate to these jackasses which now means belligerent jackasses. Trump epitomizes the belligerent jackass, mob boss tough guy. There are crooks and jackasses in congress from both parties as you said, but I think one party is over the top in the belligerent jackasses. These critters don’t care about anyone different or in need.
    Now it appears that a lot of Congress critters are turning on each other with elbowing, pushing and name calling. That gives me some pleasure when they start eating their own.

  5. Nick,
    Considering the subject matter, I appreciate your restraint in the number of times you needed to use “jackass” in describing some of our leaders. But only as a noun? Republicans deserve some verbs and adjectives too!

  6. That Markwayne Mullin Congresscritter from OK [where else?] is also on record as stating that in a fight he would also BITE his opponent…
    Which got him renamed to ‘Markwayne Munchin’.

    So yeah, the MAGAotty GOPers are mostly violent jackasses now, they can and will always lower the bar more as time goes on.

  7. So ol’ jackass Markwayne wants to be the Mike Tyson of the House?

  8. …or Senate, I guess. It’s hard to keep track sometimes.
