Stood Up, Broken Hearted, Again

September 18, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thanks to customer Deb, we came upon an interesting string of news stories.

First, on September 17th at 10:46 am, it was announced that Texas Senator and Rodeo Clown, John Cornyn, had made a date to chat with the new Delaware Republican senate nominee —–

Sen. John Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, will meet with newly-minted GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell in Washington Friday, a GOP source confirms to CNN.

By 2:24 that afternoon, the cahooting was kapooting.

A senior GOP aide tells CNN that Christine O’Donnell postponed her meeting that was planned today with NRSC John Cornyn, citing scheduling conflicts because of her speech at the Values Voters summit in Washington.

Juanita grew a grin on this one.  “I’m not saying that she stood up Big John, but …. well, Honey, she flat stood up Big John.  She had a choice between the fringe wearin’ lunatic or the lunatics on the fringe.  Guess which one she found more attractive?  Yeah, I’d have to go with her on this one.”

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