Stoned Cold Facts

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a little bit of information that may kinda surprise you.

Public Policy Polling did some polling last September in Texas and discovered something they didn’t expect.  Texans think Willie Nelson may be on to something.

Even though the poll was skewed Republican, 58% of Texans favor medical marijuana and 61% favored reducing possession to a civil offense with a $100 fine.

Now here’s the part that got my attention.  The polls ran white, older, and Republican.

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 Wendy Davis favors medical marijuana and that’s a good thing.

Thanks to Ed for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Stoned Cold Facts”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    I favor medical marijuana and so do all my old friends. Why? Well, when I was having chemotherapy, the only anti-nausea medicine that did any good for me was a marijuana based medicine, and ;I tried several. It’s a great way to lose weight but it sure narrows what even sounds good. I don’t like the smell of marijuana so it is not tempting otherwise.

  2. I am 60 and I even favor recreational use. I hadn’t smoked it in about 35 years – and probably wouldn’t now, even if legal. If I had to have chemo or got glaucoma – I would want it available for me and I would use it.

    The reason I want it OK for recreational – saving tons of money for eliminating enforcement of the law against it, removing the teeth of the cartels, saving tons of money for not locking up our citizens for smoking a natural drug that our last 3 presidents admit to using. That money could be spent on infrastructure jobs and feeding children instead.

  3. Wendy favors medical marijuana TODAY.

    TOMORROW……. who knows?????

    Yesterday she was also pro choice.

    Today…… it’s a Maybe….

    This woman….. if she wants my vote….. needs to stop her pandering to all kinds of special interest groups.

    Take a position. Stay with it……. Let the chips fall where they may.

    I’m sick of people calling themselves Democrats, and running for office as Republican-Lite.

  4. BTW – I do think medical marijuana should be legal.

    Can’t stand the smell of the stuff (kids used to do it on occasion back in their teenage years) … but if it helps people…..
    they should have access to it.


  5. I’m also for legalizing medical marijuana.

    Never smoked the stuff. Don’t want to. Don’t see any benefit to the drug wars except enriching cartels and private prison owners.

  6. I favor legalization and taxation. The hemp rope manufacturers haven’t needed the protection in a good 50 years at least.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Legalize the “J” and quit wasting our taxes on Nancy Reagan’s phony war on drugs.

    What the Gohmerts is up with Wendy? Most men get that the relationship between a woman and her doctor is none of our business. Why would she take a GOP position and run with the Democratic Party? Leticia needs to visit her campaign ‘quarters and deliver the party platform, before Wendy drives her own campaign into the ditch.

  8. Just when my cancer stricken husband could have gotten some good out of medical marijuana cigarettes, he was diagnosed with COPD. It was the only time during his illness that he came close to cussing. He was then put on morphine.

  9. Legalize it.

  10. I agree with Cheryl. I would use it instead of some of the other prescription drugs. I take cannabis in a capsule form for pain; it certainly doesn’t have the horrible side effects of prescription meds or even Aleve!
    Furthermore, too much time and money is wasted by our cops in arresting people with marijuana possession, as well as the outrageous time and money spent by courts and ultimately jails to house these non violent people. Come on people, its time to put an end to this waste. BTW..I am a caucasian Democrat, female, over 60…just in case you need to know.

  11. @Miemaw #3 I understand your frustration, and to me part of the problem we’re seeing with Wendy is that she is a lawyer and she has a tendency to get into a legal framework when discussing gut-level issues like abortion and guns. IMO, lawyers are not always the best messengers on policies when campaigning. But it’s important to remember that Wendy is *pro-choice* not *pro-abortion*. She is in favor of abortion only when necessary, with restrictions. But she feels that those circumstances and restrictions should be set by the doctors and the patients, not by the Texas lege.

  12. Now I know a lot of folks don’t like the Kinkster, but he is running for Ag Commish on the Demo ticket. Is reasoning on MJ is spot on……we’re going to have it in10 years or so anyway….so why not get ahead of the curve for once and Own it. The farmers in this state could sure use a break. I know it’s not healthcare, education, critical thinking etc. but it just might help us to beat out Mississippi in at least one category!

  13. Currently more people die from misusing prescription drugs than from non-legal drugs. Both are medical problems and should be treated accordingly. Passing draconian laws simply enriches the drug dealers and gives the radical right a happy. It doesn’t address the problem.

  14. Oikie-Dokie says:

    My daughter is a graduate of UT Arlington’s College of Nursing. It has he reputation of being the toughest college of nursing in the state. One of the first things they told her class is that NO ONE has ever died from an MJ overdose.

  15. No, she doesn’t “favor.” She’s “drifting with the polls.” It’s like her “local option” schwaffle on open carry, or her latest schwaffle on abortion.

  16. @SocraticGadfly I’m not sure what a “schwaffle” is but … How many women actually “favor” abortion indiscriminately? I’d say very few. So, you are right to the extent that Wendy doesn’t “favor” abortion indiscriminately. Like I said in my previous comment, she favors it *when necessary, with restrictions*. If you are asking her to “favor” that procedure indiscriminately, then no — she doesn’t. And she is with the majority of women there, IMO. As for “open carry”, apparently that was her position all along, since she was on the Ft. Worth City Council, but people are only just noticing it because she called attention to it.

  17. Re: Marijuana — I think Wendy would be more in the Hickenlooper (Dem Gov of CO) mold where she would sign a medical marijuana legalization bill if it came to her desk, but would not be all that proactive about it otherwise. Hickenlooper actually vocally opposed legalization but then reluctantly signed the bill when it got to him. I think there are times when you have to vote for a candidate even though you might not like their fuzzy stance on certain issues, and then once they are elected, use whatever leverage you can to pull them to the left once they are in office. It all depends on how critical the viewpoint is that you don’t agree with. If medical marijuana is a make-or-break issue for you, then you will not be happy that Wendy is taking a “wait and see” attitude on that.

  18. I had a hippie friend in college (truly, he’d hitchhiked to Woodstock when he was 9!). When his mom came down with cancer, with the agreement of her doctor, he made her “pot” brownies. His secret was to marinate the pot in peanut butter before using the mixture to make the brownies.

    The timing on this topic is awesome. Robert Kline was on HBO this week singing “Medical Marijuana.” If you haven’t seen it, track it down. It’s well worth seeing and hearing.

  19. PS – My otherwise progressive Governor Cuomo of NY doesn’t favor medical marijuana at all. He is not even paying it lip service like Wendy is. But we are asking our state reps to keep the pressure on to legalize med-mar and we think we can get Cuomo to sign the bill if it does cross his desk. I am not a Texan, but if I were, I would regard Wendy in the same way: Get her elected, then get her to move TO THE LEFT on med-mar and other issues of importance to progressives.

  20. No matter what Wendy says, all the ultra right wingers are going to say “she’s pro abortion, same song 1000th verse”. Texas is a BIIIIIIIIIGGGGG state. All kinds of folks live in Texas. I feel for Wendy. I’d sure druther have her for guvner than Abbott. He’s mean. She’s not. She’s pro-good public education. He’s not. She’s for taking care of folks sensibly. He’s not. We are lucky to have someone as smart and hard working as Wendy running for office. Keep writing to her and tell her what you do actually THINK, not what you FEEL. I’m going to go read a dumb novel. ‘night!

  21. Yeah. You know what Abbott is currently fighting for and against at the same time? Funding for public education in Texas. He says it’s his job to support the idiocies the Legislature passed and he cain’t do a dang thang about it. Wendy says he can. Contact her campaign and tell her you agree with her, if you do. Contact Abbott and try to be polite.

  22. @Marge Wood said: “We are lucky to have someone as smart and hard working as Wendy running for office. Keep writing to her and tell her what you do actually THINK, not what you FEEL.” I totally agree.

    We are used to seeing politicians who are busy telling us how to think and feel. Wendy is trying to LISTEN to the public and get the overall viewpoints of Texans. This is part of why she is so cautious — because she is LISTENING, not dictating like the right wing does. Hillary has been criticized for the same trait — she is cautious. But that is because she is LISTENING, and trying to take the measure of what her constituents have to say about the issues. If Wendy seems overly cautious to you, I say give her time. And as Marge said, give her feedback. Let her know what’s on your mind. But don’t write her off because you disagree on a few points. Work with her. She is worth your time. JMO from a New Yorker.


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