Stolen Jackassery
There are stories that just keep getting better and better every time you add more layers. This has definitely been the case with the so-called Trump Cemeterygate. Thank goodness for the Watergate Hotel. Now, we can attach gate to every single so-called scandal. There are big scandals and stupid ones. This one falls somewhere near the later.
Everything started out innocently enough. It was a simple story about a man lacking empathy. These stories are not unique. We see them all the time when teenagers and young adults take selfies at Auschwitz with a big smile on their face. I had a moment when I was much younger at Pearl Harbor. I was whacked on the back of my head and told that you never ever do that. It was the last time I did.
Only a jackass would take a political photo op in this moment with a stupid thumb’s up sign. Yet, a jackass is what we have. This story wouldn’t be worth mentioning otherwise, but the jackassery doesn’t end there. Apparently, an Arlington Cemetery employee tried to prevent them from going into the restricted area and was pushed aside in the same kind of thuggish way that Trump pushed aside the leader of Montenegro.
Yet, it doesn’t end there. The story coming out of the Trump camp is not that they broke any rules or violated any policies about the restricted area. They did mention the incident but simply said that “an employee had an apparent mental health episode.” Sure. All of these pesky public servants expecting you to follow rules about a solemn space. Surely, they are deranged.
The cherry on top of this douchebag sundae came when vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance told a rally crowd that Kamala Harris could “go to hell” for her negative comments on the situation. Harris would certainly be well within her rights to comment on this, but she hasn’t. So, this leaves one very important question for one of the biggest jackasses of our time. Are you saying that she did say something when she clearly didn’t or are you suggesting she should go to hell for not defending your future boss’s right to flout the rules and act like a jackass?
I am choosing to think these two are the highest performing performance artists of our time. Borat has nothing on these assclowns. If your goal is to see who can be the biggest asshole then we have a tight race between both of the guys on top of the GOP ticket.
Anyone supporting these duchebags are either addled-brained or diving head first into nihilism. It doesn’t help when we get more performance art like this. For those that don’t want to go down the rabbit hole, it is a New York Times editorial saying that Trump should run on character. I don’t pay to get behind the NYT paywall. Please tell me this is a joke.
Maybe it is all a joke. Maybe we are all the butt of a huge extended psychology experiment to see just how long it would take for decent people to lose their ever-loving mind. The layers of stupidity in this story are just staggering. We are being punked. Ashton Kutcher is just around the corner laughing his ass off.
Trump is not the only one giving a thumps up – there are three or four others. Apparently this was planned.
1I wonder if the Mother of the dead GI knew that the man that blow himself up and killed her son and 12 other Americans and 70 Afghans. Was let out of jail by Trump with 5000 other Tel-bans. Her son might be alive today if not for Trump.
2Most everything I read, see, about tfg is about him; ie, he’s the flashing target so aim for him. Bernie Sanders said within the last year or so that there are now over 1,000 billionaires in this country alone. I recall reading a while back that at the time of reagan there were less than 12. The only billionaire I trust is George
3Soris because he personally tried to help people with his University in Hungary regardless of racial or nationalistic background until orban kicked him out of the country.
IMO, it is the billionaire class and their hanger-ons with very few exceptions that are the real danger to this country but they seem to skate any negative attention. Why is that?
Perhaps in the future any time an issue with the military comes up, Trump should make a strategic retreat to Mar-a-Logo to avoid any hint that he has no sympathy or respect for those whose lives were taken in the service to their county. Irrespective of who says it, no dead soldiers ever “gave his life for his country”. What bull!!!
The life was really taken away for his country. I hate the dis-ingenuousness when I hear politicians use the term, as if it abrogates any blame they may have had in that death. Unfortunately both sides do it.
4Nick, you hit several nails on the head. There’s a reason I add an extra F when I refer to him as TFFG. He is one of, no make it THE , biggest jackassholes ever. A psychopathic jackass.
5Here’s why he gets away with it in the press- they both sides everything to keep the magats ringing their cash registers. His followers think of him as the f..k you president and they love him for that. Think it makes them tough.
His Arlington Cemetery show reminds me of when his security detail shoved protesters aside so he could pose with a bible (upside down I believe) in front of a church. You can’t say malignant narcissist too many times.
Steve from Beaverton:
Yes, Trump defiled Arlington the military, and the medals they award, Bibles and Christianity.
van heldorf:
6I’ve noticed Trump doesn’t treat billionaires that way, even accidentally, even claiming he doesn’t know the rules, even though there’s only 1000 of them. One billionaire one vote, right?
Well said. And you’re not missing anything by skipping the NYT editorial. It’s typical Rich Lowry, editor in chief of the National Review, telling TFG’s campaign to make every word out of his pie hole about Kamala’s character being unfit for office. You know, pot calling kettle.
7Besides making me throw up in my mouth just looking at this photograph I am twisted up inside wanting to know WHY did
8these people and Mr. Creepy give the thumbs up sign. What could they have meant by that? Standing where they were,
smiling and giving a thumbs up . . . . It defies any rational
reason. If he is reelected our country will take 100 years to
recover. I am glad I am old but damn it I have a son and a
glorious new grand daughter.
drumpf thugs responsible for assaulting employee are Steve Cheung and Chris La Civita. drumpf claims he wasn’t aware of incident and later, in an interview, essentially accused the Biden Administration of setting him up at Arlington.
btw drumpf has rehired Corey (Lewd and Lusty) Lewandowski who has a record of unwanted sexual advances against women slightly smaller than drumpf”s. C L excels at attacking women for his master.
9Excellent Paul An An An excellent Paul Conrad political cartoon about the idiotic “bipartisanship” that many ‘believe’ in (it’s an old one, but still exactly accurate):
10Dang, input from the phone just doesn’t always format correctly here…
11And it’s about a jackass and an elephant…
12Of course drumpf is now saying he and his campaign had nothing to do with his political, disrespectful photo op stunt- it was the families (he’s trying to exploit) that asked him to join them. Of course he is.