Stolen From Alan in Austin

June 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer Alan from Austin wrote this and it cracked me up.  Enjoy!

The high bar for hilarity got set when a spike buck got caught up in the clothesline and ran off with my aunt’s drawers, but this ranks right up there…

Well that rascally TPer McDaniel has been stompin’ and rantin’ about how those eeeevil Demon-cratz crossed party lines and just up and helped Cochran steal the runoff from “legitimate” Republicans. In fact, McDaniel is so fuming mad that he’s won’t concede defeat and has yet to say if he’ll even support Cochran as the party nominee.

Note that crossing party lines to screw with the other side isn’t new — see Rush’s “Operation Chaos” — but move over auntie because the bar just got set higher:

“The conservative candidate [McDaniel] running against Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) voted as a Democrat in Mississippi’s state primary in 2003, according to records obtained by the Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Mississippi.”

Before the summer’s out, I expect to find a GOP candidate in MS involved with a gay transvestite coke-snortin’ illegal underage alien hooker.

Politics in Mississippi hasn’t been this much fun since the ballot box bounced out of the back of a station wagon and went over the bridge, never to be found — or so it’s said. Sometimes I really do miss my home state. Sometime when you’re back Austin way and we finally get a chance to meet, I’ll tell you the story of how liquor laws changed in Mississippi. Hint: It involves a governor, a Mardi Gras party, and a drunk sheriff.


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0 Comments to “Stolen From Alan in Austin”

  1. I heard from one of my college professors, and this was long ago, that it involved liquor at bashes at the Mississippi governor’s mansion.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Seems to me wingnuts have been praying Blacks would vote rethuglican and when they do whitey goes all racist over them.

  3. Another case of “There! There! That’s disgusting and outrageous! That thing I used to do!” Or in some cases still do when I think nobody’s looking.

  4. Well,hell, Chris! What did you expect? Everybody knew that if you got in there wouldn’t be a penny coming into Ole Miss to help with the still unreconstructed areas leftover from Katrina cuz you don’t take nothin’ from Uncle Sugar, and by your own words you don’t! At least Thad C. will still pull in everything he can get where Mississippi is concerned. You would have just thrown it out of the lifeboat!

  5. Marge Wood says:

    AlanInAustin, you really need to start coming to South Travis United Democrats at the southside Brick Oven, the 3rd Tuesday of every month so’s we can all get in on your story tellin’ times. I’ll be lookin’ for you.

  6. maryelle says:

    The crossover Democratic votes in the Mississippi primary are taken straight from the Republican play book. In the 2008 Democratic primary they registered as Democrats to vote for Obama so that Hillary wouldn’t get the nomination. Then they re-registered Republican. They knew that Obama would lose the general election, cause nobody would vote for a black man. Ha!
    A huge miscalculation from the party of stupid.

  7. Rubymay says:

    Excellent, Alan, just excellent! I’ve heard that some teapartiers in MS are encouraging folks to vote Democratic just so Cochran won’t get elected again. Sounds like a good plan to me, and I hope they follow through.

  8. AlanInAustin says:

    Marge, that’s a bit of a hike for me but I’ll see if I can make down there some time. I’ll just have to watch your F/B page and try to keep up.

    Ruby, there’s some truth in that but I don’t see it happening simply because so many folks there seem to vote straight ticket.

    FYI, today’s latest blowup involves the TPers claiming that precinct 14 had 192 illegal votes and blaming the loss there on Demon-cratz “illegal votes”. The problem? Only 37 voted in the Dem primary.
