Stockman Oh My God

March 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I saw my first Steve Stockman sign today.  It was at a poll that is 93% Democratic.

photo 2

Okay, everybody is asking what the hell that thing is?

I do not know.

Some people think it might be the canon from the Gonzales flag.

However, I suspect that after all the tampon talk in the state legislature this session, I figure that’s what it’s got to be.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Some folks think it’s

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0 Comments to “Stockman Oh My God”

  1. I was thinking vaginal probe.

  2. I was thinking it is one of those vacuum-pump-up-your-penis units. He’s telling us he has a soft, little winkie & needs help in the performance arena, ’cause that head doesn’t work well, either.

  3. maryelle says:

    Cattle prod?

  4. Angelo Frank says:

    The usual “come and take it” BS from the crazies that envision President Obama is personally going to confiscate their firearms. I see the bumper stickers and flags all over my county on the back windows of pick-ups.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    It’s a Republican grope, rhymes with dope, and best explained by the ultimate GOP Gropinator from CA, Arnold.

    Or, it could be that secret GOP, yet to be revealed, alternative to the ACA.

    Scary! The party of less “government intrusion” sure does seem to have it’s speculum in our homes and orifices.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    I know that logically it should be a cannon but myself, I’m going with rolling pin with one handle missing, so you can use it for self-defense.

  7. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    I’ve seen a few Stockman signs around my area, which is in Stockman’s house district, unfortunately. I’ve seen no Cornyn signs, though. I guess he doesn’t see the need to waste his money.

  8. Captain Dave says:

    A weird looking cigar?

  9. Sandridge says:

    I think I’ve seen those in certain shop windows around Westheimer and Montrose (long ago commute too).
    Stevey is (bad) history anyway now, hasta la vista, bebe.

  10. Catherine D. says:

    An actual dogwhistle?

  11. e platypus onion says:

    That thingie is a wingnut Pez dispenser that dispenses humble pie,shaped like a weapon of course.

  12. OMG, he obviously has someone designing his yard signs by using the cartoon art available via Bing! There is definitely some weird stuff on Bing that I would never expect. Frankly, I am surprised that his yard signs are not done all in stick figures and finger paint!

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I believe it is a slide whistle, a popular children’s toy.

    Appropriate for him and his followers.

  14. It’s a magic wand, be very very careful, Tinkerbelle, the GOP are all about taking your wishes away. Defiling Tinkerbelle, now that is an image that should resonate with all women!

  15. It’s a tube to store his valium instead of using his undies.

  16. Teh Gerg says:

    It’s a cannon. And considering that it has no stabilizing equipment or aiming equipment, it’s definitely a loose cannon.

  17. Rubymay says:

    Good ideas all! Maybe it’s a mistake, just like he is.

  18. Zyxomma says:

    And I thought it was a firecracker. Guess it’s just too many years since I was in TX. @Sandridge — I lived in the Westheimer neighborhood for awhile back in the mid-70s.

  19. Wa Skeptic says:

    Looks like a depiction of a razor strop; maybe to suggest that’s how sharp he is?? Or how Stockman will take everyone (Dems) to the woodshed and use a razor strop on them to keep them in line???

  20. Elizabeth says:

    I think we should all agree to call it a tampon, though, because a) that will upset him most and b) it may scare the Tea Party into changing their logo.

    Particularly if we do some signs with that on it, and “Come and take my tampon, just try it!”

  21. I hear Stockman tanked. I’m looking in the mirror and I don’t see a surprise anywhere.

  22. Grrr. The right wingnuts already have stolen the idea of the tea party and the “Don’t tread on me flag” (which I always had really liked) and now they want our Texas “Come and take it” cannon? NO. As a native Texan, I say that’s just one symbol too many. What’s next? The Alamo?
