Stirrrring the Crazzzzy Pot

August 16, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh dear Lord, this is the best thing I’ve seen since ….. forever.

It appears that Pamela Geller at American Thinker has caught Rick Perry red-handed as a lover of Sharia Law, and by Sharia Law I mean “Good God, he’s gonna turn us into a Muslim country!”

Perry has been sucked into the propaganda vortex, and is now wielding his enormous power to influence changes in the schoolrooms and in the curricula to reflect a sharia compliant version of Islam. He is a friend of the Aga Khan, the multimillionaire head of the Ismailis, a Shi’ite sect of Islam that today proclaims its nonviolence but in ages past was the sect that gave rise to the Assassins. Perry has concluded at least two cooperation agreements between the state of Texas and the Ismailis, including a comprehensive program to feed children in Texas public schools and taqiyya nonsense about how Islam is a religion of peace.

Oh y’all this is going to be more fun than recess in heaven.

I’ll give one dollar cash American money to the first person who can convince Geller that Perry has close zombie ties, too.

I’m not saying that Rick Perry is a closet socialist who once tried to erase In God We Trust off every dollar bill in Texas  while singing Look For The Union Label on May Day.  I’m not saying that.  But, you might ask everybody you know if they’ve heard that.

Thanks to Kewalo for the heads-up.

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