Stinky El Cheapo Republicans

October 24, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita wants you to see something.

“Republicans are cheapo stingy free-loaders,” she says, “and now I have proof.”

According to Juanita, Bubba and Charles slaved away putting up large political signs all over the county.  They also personally raised the money to pay for the t-posts that hold the signs up.  T-post are not cheap.  And they are not easy to tote around in the pickup truck.  It’s work.

They put a string of Democratic signs together and then move on to the next location.  Like this —

See the four signs strung together?  They are all Democrats.  This is in a Democratic neighborhood.

See the guy on the end?  Jeff McMeans?  Republican.  He’s running for judge against the Harrison Gregg guy, who is a Democrat.

“McMeans sticks his sign on the end of our signs, so he only has to use one t-post.  He’s ‘borrowing’ our t-post to hold up his sign,” Juanita stomps.

“Now this wouldn’t hack me off if McMeans was some poor dude just trying to make ends meet.  But, he’s not.  McMean’s family has more money than Oprah.  His Dad is the retiring judge in the that court and they think a political dynasty is their birthright,” Juanita says.

“Soooooo, I fixed his sign.”

“Nah, I really didn’t,” she admits.  “I am, however, going over there this afternoon with my styling scissors and cut that sucker loose.  I promise I am.”

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