Still in Austin

September 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I can usually sneak away without you ever knowing but I left my computer at home and for some danged reason my iPad is not cooperating with the new upgrade of my website.  I’ll fiddle with it later.  Well, that’s a damn lie.  My geek will fiddle with it later.

I have so enjoyed watching Ted Cruz try to be Wendy Davis.  You know, except for the bathroom breaks, the sitting down breaks, the talking off topic breaks, the letting someone else talk breaks, the eating breaks, the breaks to whip up an omelet in the Senate dining room, the Home Shopping Network break to see of they have a genuine Ted Cruz doll for all your Christmas gift-giving needs breaks, and the what the hell is your endgame break.

Ted Cruz is a wimpy filibuster.  It’s not even a filibuster – it’s a full of bluster.

Here’s what you need to do, for every hour that Ted talks, go donate $1. to the Texas Democratic Party.

See ya this afternoon.  My morning is full of meetings.

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