Steve Stockman, ANT*

October 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

*Another Nut in Texas

We have so many rightwing nuts in Texas that I suspect I need to make a glossary of them for you to keep up.

Steve_Stockman_official_portraitIn my mind, Steve Stockman is the cream of the crop.  The only reason that you don’t hear about him much is because he’s kinda a loner.  He accidentally got elected back in 1995 and the voters threw him out after one term.  Since then he’s been homeless, bankrupt, found Jesus, and got himself elected again as a reborn tea partier.

He is obsessed with impeaching President Obama.

Now he’s hired a lawyer named Bill Olson, who ain’t exactly cooking with gas.  He says Olson is looking into the possibility of impeaching President Obama because, you know, all that was lacking in previous attempts was a lawyer whose partner sells food supplements to cure cancer.

The Olson law firm is now investigating impeaching Obama.  And as popular as Republicans are with the general public right now, I suspect that President Obama is not sleeping well at night worrying about this.

So, if you happen to run into Steve, tell him to keep up the good work, except he needs to be louder!

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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