Stay Out Of Damn Chatrooms
Okay, if you need further proof that you should never say anything on the internet that you don’t want your momma reading on the front page of the newspaper, Texas Republican Representative Jonathan Stickland has spent the past 16 years being a good example of that.
Now this ain’t the first time you’ve heard of Stickland around here at the beauty salon. He’s threatened fist fights over abortion and refers to himself as “a former fetus.” After getting caught admitting that he enjoys marijuana, he claimed that God saved him from the evil weed.
And he’s just a dandy specimen of desirable maleness. Humm … is that a gun in your pocket or … crap, I do not want to know.
Well, his Republican opponent, a preacher man, has taken Stickland to ask for being a pathetic boy on the internet machine.
“His comments are ranging from obscene racist comments to obscene sexual comments,” Fisher said. “I think if the voters of this district had known these things about Jonathan when he ran the first time, they wouldn’t have elected him. They are very offensive statements. How many times do you have to say ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘I’m sorry?'”
Stickland has already offered one apology for telling a fellow fantasy football site member that “rape is non existent in marriage, take what you want my friend!” in response to a 2008 request for sex advice on the forum.
Stockland’s response is that he got “saved” from all this. The problem is, he might have quit saying stuff like that but his cocky attitude and desperate need for attention was sadly overlooked by the good Lord.
Stockland’s supports say that his opponent is the one in the wrong.
Julie McCarty — president and founder of the Northeast Tarrant Tea Party who initially recruited Stickland to run for office — has continued to throw her efforts behind his re-election campaign.
She has also criticized Fisher for “attacking a brother in Christ for his past sins.”
So getting saved is kinda like a Get Out Of Jail Free Card.
I guess he could be like Tom DeLay and get born again again again a few times.
Thanks to Sam for the heads up.