State Convention Goodies

June 27, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita and crew are home from the State Democratic Convention where she had a total ball.  No, seriously, she loves this stuff.

And, while there, she did a little shopping.  For example, there was this perfectly marvelous button, fit for any and all occasions.  Thelma is going to bedazzle it a little for Juanita, but here’s what she bought —

“Yeah, you wish you had one,” Juanita grins.  “You behave yourself this week and I’ll tell you where you can get one, too.”

And, of course, there’s fashion.  This tee-shirt will be gracing the beauty salon once Juanita adds a few sequins —

Juanita is unpacking tonight and will be ready to report on her experiences at the convention next week.

The best news is that we voted overwhelmingly to keep the Texas Two Step.  I like to think that it had something to do with my thoughts on the subject, but, more likely, it had something to do with the Texas Two Step being one of the best grassroots organizing tools in the country.

Juanita wants you to know something.  “We also passed a platform with no crazy crap in it.  That right there makes us better than Republicans.”

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