Stanley Would Have Handled This Better

June 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Patricia Walker of Dallas, who describes herself as “a very private person” is suing Neiman Marcus.

For years, Mrs. Walker had a personal shopper at Neimans and spent about $100,000 a year there, which will buy you an outfit or two at Neimans.  In 2007, Mrs. Walker was in a horrible car accident that left her in the hospital for months and then homebound until 2010.

It was only then that she discovered that her yearly Neiman Marcus bill went from her usual $100,000 a year to $850,000 a year.  In all, $1.4 million of her money went to Neiman’s while she was homebound.

Only a cursory investigation revealed that Mrs. Walker’s husband, 65 year old Bobby Tennison was boinking Mrs. Walker’s personal shopper, who got a hefty commission off the million that Bobby spent, using Mrs. Walker’s money to do it.

And you thought John Edwards was a scamp!  At least he’s not a Neiman Marcus personal shopper scamp.

The cute part of the story is that the personal shopper’s name is Favi Lo.  Seriously.

You can read all the Texas Tacky details right here in the court record.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Stanley Would Have Handled This Better”

  1. TexasEllen says:

    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned who has enough money for a Neiman’s personal shopper and a gold plated lawyer. Taking advantage of someone who’s been seriously injured is beyond tacky.

  2. Husband needs to be divorced. That’s in the works.. Good on Mrs. Walker.

    “personal shopper needs be fired”….. commissions earned by taking advantage of someone seriously injured … need to be “returned”..(by whatever means necessary) …. hope the lawsuit achieves that.

    Nieman’s needs to take back the merchandise, and refund Mrs. Walker’s money. Sooner, rather than later.

    It’s all kind of a “no brainer”.

    Mrs. Walker …. may want to try shopping elsewhere.

  3. Another “Stimulus” package helping the Economy?

  4. I expect Ms. Lo is feeling and keeping low now. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  5. Cheryl Ann says:

    I can’t believe Nieman’s won’t take the stuff back. She has been a good customer for years and now they have lost her and her friends for life. duh.

  6. Grand Kludd says:

    We all know what the “Personal Shopper” IS. She just negotiated a better compensation schedule than most of her rent-a-girlfriend peers.

  7. Neiman Marcus is a foreign corporation???

  8. Sam in Kyle (June 14) says:

    Favi Lo? Do we even have to guess what Mr. Walker liked most about her?

  9. oldy moldy says:

    how can you possibly spend $100,000 a year at, at… anything?!
    how much money does this person have? fercrissakes!

  10. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    I need to get me a personal shopper at WalMart, to take advantage of their lo, lo prices. Then I wouldn’t have to go there. No, wait. I don’t have to go there anyway. Nevermind.
