‘Splainin’ Alabama

March 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alabama Republican Congressburp Mo Brooks explains why he voted Oh Hell No on the anti-hate bill.

Prepare yourself.

Brooks said he voted against the measure because while it explicitly condemned discrimination against Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, it omitted Christians. It also omitted “Caucasians” while condemning discrimination against African-Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders and “lesbians, homosexuals, transsexuals and the like,” according to Brooks.

Okay, listen up.  You people have to quit discriminating against Caucasian Christians.  These poor people have had just about enough of your discrimination.

By gawd, they now have to pay extra six-figure fees just to get their kids in a prestigious university and they don’t feel the least bit bad about cheating like that because those seats are rightly their’s to begin with.

Here’s a lovely picture of Mo Brooks with his family. Standing in a cotton field. It’s kinda hard to see them among all the damn white.



You can bet your last pair of pink boots that they didn’t pick any of that cotton. Ever.

Thanks to Sarah for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “‘Splainin’ Alabama”

  1. There’s nothing like starting out the day with face palm.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    So, is this KKKristianity on a list of treatable mental diseases, or is ergot poisoning not reversible?

  3. Sigh.

    We need a WALL. A big, beautiful wall to stop whatever is going on in “the cultural area more or less corresponding with the States in rebellion since 1861, but excluding western Texas and the southern tip of Florida but including southern portions of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana and southeastern Oklahoma (even today known as ‘Little Dixie’).”

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, a wall or crazy corrals. The maps have already been drawn for the crazy corrals. The boundaries ‘coincidentally’ correspond with gerrymandered red congressional districts. CA is debating whether or not they can slap up a corral before Devin Nunes leaves the district via a federal indictment. NV doesn’t care whether Mark Amodei slips into Utah or a coma.

  5. Here, I’ll add a line to the anti-hate bill just for Mo Brooks – –

    …and the people discriminating against the aforementioned minorities are mostly Christian and generally Caucasian.

  6. So, when was the last time Mo ever did anything intelligent? Gotta consider that. I have family living in his district and they consider his brain to have gone jellified.

  7. joe continues to be confused says:

    Is it just me or…….there’s 5 adult males and 4 adult females and one (maybe) preteen female. I’m just saying

  8. If only they had to pick that patch of cotton to earn their dinner.

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    Without reading a word of this piece, I am so offended by the picture of all those white self-satisfied people standing in a cotton patch. Such arrogance!

  10. Like white on rice.

  11. Identity Politics run amok.

    The presumption that members of all those groups are automatically victims is absurd.

    What happened to free speech, as in speech you DON’T like?

    Hope I don’t get kicked outta this bubble…
