
March 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The other day Momma called and wanted to know what The Cloud everybody was talking about was.  Momma is 86 years old.  I was tempted to tell her it was a rock band and leave it at that, but Momma is real good at catchin’ me at stuff when I try to make my life easier.

I didn’t know where to start.  “It’s a date storage system,” was not the answer she was looking for.  She wanted to know why they call it a cloud and is it a satellite and can the cloud eat her bank records and why would anyone possibly need something like that and are you sure it’s safe and have you told your brother about this and can you see it in the sky?

God is going to hold me accountable for this but I finally said, “Look, Momma, it has something to do with s-e-x and you don’t want to know about it.”  She agreed and went on to tell me about her yellowbells growing on the back fence.

Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert is not as smart as Momma.  If he doesn’t understand something, it has to be a government conspiracy.  But instead of asking questions, Louie thinks he already has the answer and wants to stump the computer wiz.

He does not do this well.

You really need to go read read the whole thing because Louie could be all Three Stooges at once.

The wheel and fire are also government conspiracies and Louie is just waiting for the right time to make hay with that information.

Now you know what turning Texas blue is called Battleground Texas.  We have to fight stoopid.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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