Speaking of Rats And Maggots

July 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oddly enough, Trump must not have realized that his less than adorable son-in-law owns property in Baltimore County and it is a rodent infested mess where no human would want to live.

In 2017, Baltimore County officials revealed that apartments owned by the Kushner firm were responsible for more than 200 code violations, all accrued in the span of the calendar year. Repairs were made only after the county threatened fines, local officials said, and even after warnings, violations on nine properties were not addressed, resulting in monetary sanctions.

In an investigation by the New York Times and Pro Publica published earlier that year, tenants of Kushner properties reported mouse infestations, mold problems and maggots. A private investigator who looked into Kushner’s property management company, Westminster Management, described the managers as “slumlords.”

Well, isn’t that kinda what Trump wants to be for America?  A slumlord.



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