Speaking of Fruitcakes …

February 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Houston, Texas.

A guy named Derek Poe decides that a great way to advertise his business is to hire another guy to stand at a busy freeway intersection while dressed to get noticed and carrying a sample of the product.

Free enterprise and advertising.  We love it.

Only problem was that the dress-up was a giant banana and the product was an AK-27.

I could not make that up.

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They were stunned, stunned I tell you, that passing motorist were a bit frightened by this and that police were a tad upset, too, when they discovered that the attached drum magazine held 50 rounds of ammo.

It took me a few minutes to wonder what bananas had to do with gun owners.  Oh yeah, I forgot, the gun alone is not near phallic enough.

Thanks to Cheryl and Jeanette for the head up.

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