Space Pirates! UPDATED!

May 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all.  A year ago, Donald Trump said that he wanted to form a Space Force.  Then it was never mentioned again because Trump gave all our money to his rich friends and by golly, we’re broke in more ways than one.

But then, then, of yeah then … Ted Cruz remembered and read something cold that somebody else wrote.

There’s one more thing you can add to the Trump Doctrine that we need to be afraid of.



Hey, listen to the man. Do you think anybody else would know more about what’s happening in outer space than Ted Cruz?


The saddest Tweet I’ve ever seen.



People on Tweeter began to make fun of Cruz’s Space Force so what does he do?  He complains  whines to the guy who owns Twitter that people are making fun of him when HE’S RIGHT!

Now we get to make fun of him for not knowing the difference between a pirate and a privateer.

Some men are just so self destructive.


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