Sorry, Guys
Feel free to discuss the GOP debate here.
Here’s the bottom line for me. Like Trump, I won because I didn’t attend.
I did, however, hear that the most discussed Republican news of the night is that Ramaswamy is the biggest menace to society since Obama left office.
They all got their pants in a twist when Roe v. Wade was mentioned. They know that most women won’t vote for a Republican. Even chickens wouldn’t vote for Colonel Sanders.
After watching I need a bath with salt scrub and a loofah followed by a strong drink to forget this sh!t show.
1From the first 50 comments on another site I frequent, it seems that my choice to read a book instead of watching the debate was the right one.
2You couldn’t pay me enough to listen to those bozos. Besides, I had to listen to the game where the Yanks beat my Nats like a drum.
3It was not “must see TV” for certain.
Meanwhile, on twitterX at the same time, the Tucker Carlson / 45 “interview” played. “…Carson asked …[45] if he is concerned ‘the left’, after impeaching and then indicting him, would try to kill him.
‘They’re savage animals. They are people that are sick, really sick,’ …[45] responded. ‘You have great people that are Democrats. Most of the people in our country are fantastic. And I’m representing everybody … But I’ve seen what they do.”
So much projection and the same old propaganda techniques from 45.
But note the data shows 80 million people tuned in to that Carson / 45 “interview” event.
4Like others who value their sanity, I did not watch the event. The Mistress of Snark, the Wonkette, described it as a “live fascist masturbation contest”, and I’m willing to take that as a good summary.
G Foresight, 80 million watched TFG? Yikes, I really hope that many of them were like you, watching it for grins. Or that a large fraction were people who slow down to view the aftermath of a horrendous traffic accident. But a potential 80M votes for T**** is scary.
5I did not watch the debate but I did watch the MSNBC followup. I was struck by the complete absence of the Great Black Hope, Tim Scott.
The Laughing Libs did not mention him at all till the end of an hour, when Maddow remarked that no one had seen Tim Scott.
Paging Ralph Ellison. Call for Mr Ellison.
As far as I am concerned that was the only notable outcome of the event: the idea that the Klansmen who make up the majority of the Republican Party were going to turn to Scott was a bad, bad joke.
Speaking of Klansmen, I predict the next ripple in the pool will mark the emergence from the depths of Youngkin, the closest thing to a non-trump perfect candidate the Republicans have: a Klansman in a clean shirt.
6I didn’t waste my time either. We watched episode 2 of Painkillers on Netflix (so difficult we can only watch one episode at a time). Reading the post mortem on the ‘debate’ today, I think we’d better hide all painkillers from the candidates and their supporters.
7@G Foresight #4:
“It was not “must see TV” for certain.”
“Must flee TV!”
@Harry Eager #6:
8“I predict the next ripple in the pool will mark the emergence from the depths of Youngkin, the closest thing to a non-trump perfect candidate the Republicans have: a Klansman in a clean shirt.”
I recently moved from Virginia to Delaware. Youngkin figured into that calculation along with reliably blue, no sales tax, no car tax, closer to family, etc.
Didn’t, couldn’t watch. Why risk the frustration so close to bedtime. From the snooze this morning, it was just a bunch yada-yada-yada hot air coming out from people that like to hear themselves talk. Watching CBS news this morning I had to mute when Nikki Haley was blabbing.
9I always watch these shows, now especially due to the Writer’s Strike. Bill Maher and John Oliver, the only 2 reasons I keep paying for HBO, are smarter and funnier, but in a dearth of comedy on TV these days, a good GOP presidential debate will do in a pinch.
10re: ” note the data shows 80 million people tuned in to that Carson / 45 “interview” event. ”
Well, “the data” shows there were 80 million hits on the event. No word on anything to show that the hits were real people, let alone US citizens and potential voters.
11RE #11 John. Good point! The reference I cited wrote “The interview had more than 80m views on Twitter within two hours of being posted.” Whether it was “viewed” by human eyes is unverifiable.
12Winners from last night: Biden (as nobody on the stage said anything of real substance nor did any of them look Presidential; Trump (same reasons as Biden).
Wild to see the GQP candidates wail about how bad the economy is and how we need to “bring jobs back home”, then turn to a commercial by the Gov. of S. Dakota *begging* people to move there because jobs can’t be filled. [All this while unemployment is near historic lows, per the DOL.]
One mention of “woke” (by Nimratta, if I recall correctly)
Nikki Haley was interesting for her attacks on Putin and full-throated support for Ukraine.
A number of candidates dodged talk of abortion by saying states should figure it out of the 8 (including Pence!) said they’d support Trump if here were the nominee.
Christie did his expected tirade against Trump, drawing loud boos from the audience. He said (in essence), “Boo all you want but what I’m saying is verifiable truth.”
6 of the 8 said they’d support a convicted Trump if he got the nomination. Amazingly, Pence was one of them. Only Christie and Asa said “no”.
Christie added that even if Trump were NOT found guilty, that Trump shouldn’t be elected simply because of what we know about his unfitness for the job.
Direct attacks on Trump by Christie and 1 or two others drew loud boos
DeSantis wants to invade Mexico.
One mention of George Soros (DeSantis, I think, but maybe Vivek)
Nikki Haley points out $8T in debt by Trump and, under some Biden bill, Dems earmarked about $2-3B while GQP earmarked over twice as much. (may audience boos)
Vivek wants to go the isolationist route. No funding for Ukraine or Israel; pull U.S. out of U.N.
Pence climbed on The Cross and tried to convince us that he deserves the nomination because True Christian.
See how much time I saved you!!