Son of Bush, Part II

April 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so now the Republican National Committee has the next four years planned for you.  Remember the Bush presidency?  Oh hell, that was so much fun, let’s do it again.

During an interview last week on The Fernando Espuelas Show, Alexandra Franceschi, Specialty Media Press Secretary of the Republican National Committee, said that the Republican party’s economic platform in 2012 is going to be the same as it was during the Bush years, “just updated”.

So that’s why Dick Cheney got a new heart – he’s coming back and this time he means business.  I guess he left a dime on the floor of his office, discovered there’s a person who still has a job, and has a list of more people he wants to shoot in the face.  Look, I’m not saying that your name is on that list, but odds are pretty good it is.

You know how our ticket is Obama / Biden?  Well, their ticket is Robber / Baron.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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