Sometimes the Slow Wheels of Justice Will Run Right Over Your Butt, Honey
Old timers around here know about the local connection with the whole James O’Keefe / Hannah Giles ACORN so-called sting. Hannah is the granddaughter of our local Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club founder, who is very judgmental of everybody’s behavior but seems extraordinarily pleased that her granddaughter resembles a pavement princess.
Hannah’s grandmother used her influence to get Hannah special recognition on the floor of the United States Congress by Puppet Pete Olson, my congressvarmint. Hannah even got her own webpage where she panhandles for cash, which is a whole lot like playing a prostitute except she ain’t playing this time. And you can even make a tax-deductable contribution to her legal defense fund because it appears that she is a charity case and totally unable to actually work for a living.
And then there’s O’Keefe. Oh, good Lord. What a mess that Young Republican is.
This dumbbutt duo got some bad news earlier this week. They are being sued and it’s going to court. Apparently, the legal defense fund contributions bought some really bad lawyers.
Former ACORN worker Juan Carlos Vera sued O’Keefe and Giles in 2010 for allegedly illegally taping their confidential conversation to make the now infamous “ACORN pimp” video. After the heavily-edited video was released in 2009, Vera was fired from ACORN and Congress later voted to defund the organization, which led to its bankruptcy.
The judge ruled that Giles and O’Keefe did, in fact violate this man’s privacy and I am certain that when a jury sees the heavily edited tape as opposed to the full tape, Giles and O’Keefe may have to earn their living the way the used to pretend to do.
However, it appears that the right to heavily edit is covered under the Republican view of the First Amendment.
Thanks to all the oldtimers around here who know that I love this local connection for the heads up.