Something I Need to Say

August 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am not one of the folks calling for Rick Perry to step down as Governor and I believe it is a major mistake to do so.

I am a Democrat and therefore I believe in the rule of law.  You are innocent until proven guilty.  Period.  No exceptions.  None.

Additionally, we Democrats were all outraged when Rick Perry asked District Attorney Lehmberg to step down.  We were right to be angry.  We even supported her when she was found guilty and served her jail sentence.   Her behavior was unacceptable but we stood behind her.  It seems more than a tad duplicitous for us to now call for Perry’s resignation.

Instead, let’s stay true to our core beliefs – something that separates us from the other party – and allow Perry to stay in office until a new Governor is elected.  Until then, Perry can be the leader of his party, set the ethical standard for Texas Republicans, be a big help to his current Attorney General by forcing him to make shady decisions, and be the shining example of what Republicans offer the State of Texas.  That’s fine with me.  After all, he’s awesome.

With any luck at all their nominee for Attorney General will also be indicted next month.

If anyone should be calling for Perry’s resignation it should be Rick Perry himself and his fellow Republicans.

I just needed to say that.

P.S. – Ya think he was disappointed to discover that his magical glasses don’t work?


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