Something Ain’t Right About This

January 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that you have to have a warrant before putting a GPS monitor on a suspected drug dealer’s car.

The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously for a drug suspect who had an electronic tracking device attached to his car by police, who did not first obtain an extended warrant.

The justices on Monday said secretly placing the device and monitoring the man’s movements for several weeks constituted a government “search” and therefore the man’s constitutional rights were violated.

I agree with this decision, but —-

While she is doing something perfectly legal, you can go inside a woman’s body through her most private parts, without her or her doctor’s permission, to obtain information without a warrant and force that woman to view the information found during that search.

Which leads me to believe that drug dealers have more rights than women.

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